Counterspin - FAIR's weekly radio show

CounterSpin is FAIR's weekly radio show, hosted by Janine Jackson. CounterSpin is heard on more than 130 noncommercial stations across the United States and Canada. CounterSpin provides a critical examination of the major stories every week, and exposes what the mainstream media might have missed in their own coverage.

Feb 17 2017

Jessica Gonzalez on FCC Chair Ajit Pai

What’s ahead for the public interest under Ajit Pai, Trump’s choice for chair of the FCC? CounterSpin talks with Jessica Gonzalez, deputy director and senior counsel at the group Free Press.

Feb 10 2017

Kevin Kumashiro on Betsy DeVos, Amit Narang on Anti-Regulation Rule

Now that Betsy DeVos is confirmed as Education secretary, media need to disrupt the set of myths that carried her through, despite an evident lack of experience or expertise: Myths to do with “school choice” and “accountability,” which corporate media rarely interrogate thoroughly, or contrast with different visions of education.

Feb 3 2017

Zaid Jilani on Trump’s Yemen Raid, Andrew Rosenberg on Science and Resistance

Some media accounts are describing the first raid on Trump’s watch as “botched,” but that’s not the same as questioning it, much less putting it in a broader context of what’s happening in Yemen and what the US is doing there.

Jan 27 2017

Mara Verheyden-Hilliard on Inaugural Protest Arrests, David Turnbull on Pipeline Resistance

Every day of the Trump administration brings new reasons to protest. But the mass arrest of hundreds of people protesting the inauguration, along with legal observers and journalists, tells us that the right to speak up still needs protection.

Jan 20 2017

The Media and Martin Luther King

A CounterSpin special featuring Gary Younge, Rick Perlstein, Jim Naureckas and Brandi Collins

Media’s traditional misremembering of Martin Luther King distorts his ideas and priorities, and rewrites the press’s own role in history; it also projects a distorted vision of what protest means and how social change happens—a clear view of which is much in demand right now.

Jan 13 2017

Russ Choma on Trump’s Conflicts, Megan Hustings on Food Sharing

The question for the press corps is whether they will keep both feet in reality, or allow the perceived requirement to “include” the Trump camp’s spin “redefine” previous understandings beyond recognition

Jan 6 2017

Ellen Schrecker on the New McCarthyism

Pretending that fearmongering and watchlists and looking the other way are all newly minted will not serve us. In fact, we can look to history to help us understand what’s happening, and what we can do to resist it.

Dec 30 2016

Best of CounterSpin 2016

This year’s “Best Of” includes Heidi Beirich on white supremacy, Chris Savage on Flint’s toxic water, Alvaro Bedoya on discriminatory policing, Brendan DeMelle on Exxon’s climate secrets, Josmar Trujillo on militarized “gang” raids, Shahid Buttar on civilian copwatching, Joe Macare on Brexit, Phyllis Bennis on Trump and the world, and Kelly Hayes on Dakota Access.