Liberty GB to Contest Batley and Spen By-election Following Jo Cox Murder


Anti-Islamisation party Liberty GB is to contest the Batley and Spen by-election. The party's candidate will be Liberty GB press officer Jack Buckby.

In an announcement earlier today, Mr Buckby explained the decision to stand:

"While the murder of Jo Cox is tragic, we must not let this tragedy blur the fact that the Labour Party is responsible for the demographic and cultural assault on Britain which has already done great damage in areas of Yorkshire.

"Too much is at stake to allow Labour to retake Batley and Spen unchallenged. The constituency is part of a region that has been turned upside-down by mass immigration, with mosques sprouting like triffids, Islamic extremism proliferating, child-rape gangs still on the loose, and long-standing English communities under threat of demographic eradication.

"The Labour Party has blood on its hands. And by shutting down debate and labelling working class people concerned about their communities as racists, they risk driving desperate, disenfranchised people to further horrendous acts like this."

Liberty GB, whose leader Paul Weston was arrested in April 2014 for quoting Winston Churchill on Islam, wants to stop the Islamisation of Britain, reduce taxes and minimise government, halt immigration for at least five years, deport illegal immigrants, and reinvigorate a sense of pride in British culture, society and values. The party says it will campaign for an "open public dialogue" about the problem of Islamic extremism in Yorkshire, Britain and the West. Said Buckby:

"We cannot let Jo Cox's tragic death be in vain. We must use this election as an opportunity to create dialogue and give a voice to the millions of working and middle class Britons who are seeing their communities trashed by an arrogant and out-of-touch political class."

For more information, please contact:, 0776 291 6034


Liberty GB website:

Party manifesto:

Liberty GB's Ten Point Plan to Save Britain:

1. Enshrine freedom of speech in law.

2. Leave the undemocratic European Union.

3. Abolish the Human Rights Act, which benefits mainly foreign terrorists and criminals.

4. Halt any further immigration for at least five years.

5. Deport all foreign criminals and illegal immigrants.

6. Abolish all multicultural and so-called equality quangos.

7. Halt and turn back all aspects of the Islamisation of Britain.

8. Drastically reduce crime - criminals should fear the consequences of their behaviour.

9. Fix the schooling system. No more indoctrination in schools. Our children deserve better.

10. Promote British values and assimilation, rather than multiculturalism and division