In Chile's Atacama Desert, don't miss out on the world-class stars

Illustration: Simon Letch
Illustration: Simon Letch

I’ve always loved gazing at, and photographing, the stars. There’s something surreal about standing still, contemplating the world, and minutes (or hours) later you have a beautiful image of the tiny stars streaked across the screen. When I lived in the Canadian Rockies I would shiver in minus 30-degree nights waiting for my camera’s long exposures to finish. In Mongolia, I’d set my tripod up and take refuge in a fire-warmed ger with a glass of red while my camera worked its magic.

So I was thrilled when I learned that Chile, my dream destination for more than a decade because of its vast mountains and grand glaciers, also has world-class stars. The Atacama Desert in the nation’s north is particularly famous for its observatories, including one of the largest astronomical projects in existence, the ALMA Observatory.

Before I go on, you must know, I’m a pretty organised traveller. Just ask my mate, who took the Trans-Siberian for a month with me and was asked to map her stops of choice on my handy spreadsheet.

Chile was no different. There was another spreadsheet and a groaning folder in my inbox. I’m sure my friends and colleagues were glad to see me get on the plane in November, never again to be asked, “Where did you stay in Santiago?” or “Should I go to Pucon?”

The full moon lights up the sky as dusk begins to settle over Chile's Atacama Desert.
The full moon lights up the sky as dusk begins to settle over Chile's Atacama Desert. Amy Wilson-Chapman

But as I was to discover, all the conversations, online forum research, guide book reading and Google searches couldn’t control the heavens …

I arrived in Chile, excited by the prospect of adding new star trail photographs to my collection – one from Torres del Paine in Patagonia and one from the Atacama. Although there’s nearly 4000 kilometres between those places, I was determined to travel it all by road. This meant a bus from Torres to El Chalten in Argentina (one of the best mountain towns I’ve ever been to, I might add), then another 25-hour bus ride to Bariloche and two more buses to Pucon, where I quickly scaled the active volcano Villarrica before heading north to Santiago.

But I had lingered in the mountains a little too long, so I gave up on my land-borne mission and flew from Santiago to Calama. From there, San Pedro de Atacama was just one more bus ride away.

This was it: the cherry on top of my holiday. I’d seen the mountains, climbed a volcano – now I would see the famous stars. I was here!

And then I saw it.

The moon. The very full moon – lighting up the sky as dusk began to settle.

How could I be so stupid? The light pollution from the moon would flood the night sky and rob me of the contrast needed to see all those stars. I had carefully planned my trip so not a day was wasted, yet I’d never thought to check the moon phase!

I marched off to find the tour guide I had read wonderful reviews about. The master of the stars in San Pedro, he’d take you to the middle of nowhere and help you take photos. Maybe he could salvage something from this disaster?

I walked into his office. The walls were covered with posters of the Milky Way and people with hot drinks in hand, staring up at the stars. I asked in my broken Spanish: “Can I go on your stargazing tour tonight?”

He shook his head and launched into a tirade of Spanish. It was a full moon and the stars weren’t even worth seeing – but the moon was beautiful.

Yeah, yeah, the moon is great, I thought. But I came to see the stars. The beautiful stars!

Don’t bother, he replied. The moon was my best bet. Otherwise come back in July, when the Milky Way would be at its brightest over the beautiful Atacama Desert, he said with a laugh.

Feeling at least pleased that our entire conversation had been in Spanish, I headed off with plans to return in the middle of the Chilean winter, to gaze at the heavens in the bitter desert cold.

And when I do, I thought, I will make sure the stars align.