Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch

Trump and the Triumph of White Identity Politics

In this issue: Eric Draitser on the racial animus that animated Trump’s legions. 70 Years of Decline for American Labor: Eric Laursen. When Clinton Intervened in Russia’s Elections: Nick Alexandrov. A World Beyond Trump: Matthew Stevenson. Tech Industry Monopolies: Rob Larson. What Blacks Don’t Owe Obama: Yvette Carnell. America’s Homeless Children: Richard Schweid. The War on Fracking: Lee Ballinger. Exxon and Climate Change: Jeffrey St. Clair. PLUS: Mike Whitney on the Central Banks; Chris Floyd on Trump’s America; and Jeffrey St. Clair on John Berger.

Liberals Beware: Lie Down With Dogs, Get Up With Fleas

Should Adolph Hitler's Reich Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, have been protected under the first amendment? How about the New York Times?

Are there any similarities between Goebbels relentless attempts to lead the German people to war and the Times publications preceding the war in Iraq? (RE: WMD, mobile weapons labs, yellowcake uranium, curveball, aluminum tubes etc) Is there a case for prosecution here or is the comparison just too far fetched to even consider? More

On Killers and Bullshitters*

We’re living in a very weird and convoluted moment in the annals of truth and bullshit. For some reason Americans saddled themselves with a rich and obnoxious reality TV star significantly unmoored from reality. A George W. Bush aide famously told a reporter: We’re an empire now and we make our own reality. Maybe it’s an axiom of our age: The wealthy and powerful have the right to make their own reality. As for the poor and the powerless, the same condition of being unmoored from reality is generally linked with what we call “mental illness,” which leads to marginalization, institutionalization or incarceration.

The same corrupt double standard works in the realm of violence. I‘ve been writing for decades about the killing our government has officially undertaken in places like Vietnam and Iraq and in smaller venues. I’ve always liked the bumper sticker that says: Kill One Person It’s Murder; Kill 100,000 It’s Foreign Policy. In my thinking, it isn’t a joke; it’s more like the Rules Of Engagement. More

Catherine Despard, Abolitionist

February 21st is a special. On this day in 1803, Colonel Edward Marcus Despard was executed in London as a traitor. His comrade and partner, Catherine, was among the thousands who witnessed the hanging and decapitation. She had helped him in the days preceding to write the address which he delivered from the gallows. He explained that he was a friend to the poor and oppressed and trusted that “the principles of freedom, of humanity, and of justice will finally triumph over falsehood, tyranny, and delusion.”

He was Irish. Just a couple years earlier Ireland’s political independence was extinguished with the creation of the U.K. She was African-American who came from Jamaica or Honduras. They were abolitionists in the senses explained by Professor Gilmore, that is, they bent the arc of change towards freedom, and they crossed boundaries and borders. Racial capitalism was changing by increasing its spaces and increasing its numbers. More

This Week on CounterPunch Radio

  • HOST: Eric Draitsercpradio-podcast
  • GUEST: Mickey Huff
  • TOPICS: Fake news, the deep state and the future of the far right.

The Stephen Miller Story: From Pestering Latino Students in High School to Drafting Muslim Ban

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