How Queensland Ballet lured top global chorographer Liam Scarlett

Hot British choreographer Liam Scarlett has a Brisbane dance card.
Hot British choreographer Liam Scarlett has a Brisbane dance card. Julian Anderson
by Jane Albert

Liam Scarlett was sitting in the back of a taxi en route to Brisbane airport last March when Li Cunxin turned to him with a proposal: an invitation to join the Queensland Ballet as artistic associate. It was only the second time the pair had met and they'd worked together for a week.

It was an audacious offer; London-based Scarlett is hot property in the choreographic world. His diary has commitments in America and Europe stretching into 2020. Yet he said yes, an indication both of the influence wielded by Queensland Ballet's artistic director Li, and of the 30-year-old choreographer's nature.

Speaking from the London flat he rarely calls home, Scarlett suggests he found the perfect escape from his shy nature in the non-verbal world of dance, yet his reserve has not impeded what has been a spectacular ascent. The youngest choreographer commissioned by the Royal Ballet, Scarlett shares the title of in-house choreographer at that prestigious London institution with fellow luminaries Christopher Wheeldon and Wayne McGregor.

His work is in demand from the New York City Ballet to San Francisco Ballet and English National Ballet.

Quit dancing at 26

If Scarlett is affected by all the fuss it doesn't show. The son of a graphic designer-turned-landscape designer father and IT professional mother, Scarlett grew up in Ipswich, southern England, and began dancing aged four as an outlet for his irrepressible energy. He first expressed an interest in choreography at eight, probably more a case of bossing people around than formal movement. That came a few years later, when he joined the Royal Ballet School aged 11 as a full-time boarder. What may have been intimidating for some was manna from heaven for Scarlett.

"I absolutely loved it, it was so nice being in a class full of people who enjoy what you enjoy," he says. "I made lifelong friendships."

He began choreographing while at the school and graduated into the Royal Ballet in 2005, where he continued to make works for the school, the main company and organisations further afield that had heard about the hotshot young dance-maker. Scarlett loved dancing but never felt it was his forte, and after four years in the lower ranks, in 2012 at the age of 26 he quit for life as a choreographer.

"I didn't tell anyone. I was straight off the red-eye from [guest choreographing with] Miami City Ballet and thought 'I can't do this anymore'. So I just walked into my director's office [at the Royal Ballet] and said 'I think now is a good time to stop dancing'."

Director Kevin O'Hare took the news calmly, offering Scarlett the chance to see out the year. "And I said, 'No. Now.'" He completed the season of Swan Lake and that was that. Two weeks later O'Hare offered him the prestigious position of artist-in-residence.

Dance, music, stories

Inspired by music and stories, Scarlett believes music is key to the successful translation of dance. "Some people can't understand the technicalities of dance but everyone has been listening to music since they were kids and everyone has a rhythm in them, so if you can reach the audience through music you're halfway there." An avid reader, he believes a captivating story can also help win over an audience. "If it has the right elements, a good story will take the audience on a journey, whether it's an horrific or beautiful story. And sometimes it's both."

Subjects that have inspired Scarlett choreographically include World War I, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Jack the Ripper and Hansel and Gretel. His adaptation of A Midsummer Night's Dream for the Royal New Zealand Ballet and Queensland Ballet was not only critically acclaimed, it was the reason Scarlett found himself considering renting a flat in Brisbane.

Scarlett's appointment is in line with Li's determination to transform Queensland Ballet into an international powerhouse, an ambition that has led him to program a guest season in May with star Romanian ballerina Alina Cojocaru. Scarlett will create new works for the company as well as staging some of his existing productions, including his No Man's Land which features in the Queensland Ballet's triple bill Raw from March 17. He's expected to create at least one work a year for the company.

Scarlett's role with the Royal Ballet is ongoing, including choreographing a new work for retiring principal Zenaida Yanowsky. In February he staged Frankenstein with the San Francisco Ballet, and is working on a top-secret project in New York with Disney and prima ballerina Misty Copeland.

"It's vital we expose ourselves to as many possibilities as we can, to keep working so we don't get stuck in a rut," says Scarlett. "I'm never really one to make a plan in terms of life, it's much more interesting to see where things take you, and go from there."

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