Scott Morrison strategist Sasha Grebe a social media glamour

Sasha Grebe poses with a RAAF VIP jet as his prop
Sasha Grebe poses with a RAAF VIP jet as his prop supplied

Just how bereft the Commonwealth Treasurer Scott Morrison is at the departure of his vastly able director of communications and strategy Sasha Grebe we simply don't know. The two go way back – ScoMo having been managing director of Tourism Australia (until minister Fran Bailey sacked him) and Grebe having been head of PR at the export marketing agency.

No doubt, even as the search continues for Grebe's next opportunity to serve, he'll be comforted by some fond memories. As will we be! Thankfully, in the kind of communications blunder rarely reserved for strategic experts in the field, Grebe has chronicled the sexiest parts of his gig on social media. We particularly appreciated the pensive expression he sports as, legs crossed in the leather chair of the Treasurer's VIP Air Force jet, he pores over The Economist. We've got the speech bubble covered: "Scotty where's Damascus? Is it near where Flugge sent the wheat?"

Grebe's statesmanlike trundle down the plane's stairs onto RAAF bitumen was also rather moving, in a really un-West Wing-like kind of way. More like Veep meets The Katering Show. The perks of office are fickle – you've gotta enjoy them while you've got 'em, right?

Sasha Grebe poses with a RAAF VIP jet as his prop
Sasha Grebe poses with a RAAF VIP jet as his prop supplied