Trump protesters say they were assaulted at Tuesday's rally in L - WDRB 41 Louisville News

Trump protesters say they were assaulted at Tuesday's rally in Louisville

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LOUISVILLE Ky (WDRB) – Protesters at a Donald Trump rally held in Louisville Tuesday say they were assaulted by Trump supporters.

“Everything going in was pretty smooth,” said Shalonte Branham, a protester at the event. “Everyone didn't assume I was there to agitate or express my discontent.”

Trump spoke for around 40 minutes Tuesday at the Kentucky International Convention Center ahead of Saturday’s Republican caucus. But at least half a dozen times, he stopped his speech to call on protesters to be led out.

“I didn't expect hands to be placed on me,” Branham said. “I expected security to say its time to go, but I did not expect people to try and harm me.”

Several videos, both from WDRB’s cameras at the event and cell phones of those attending the event, showed protesters being forcibly removed.

“I remember getting toppled down and pushed,” Branham recalled. “There was one gentleman who kept shoving me and was like get out of here and said a lot of cuss words.”

Trump supporters said at least some of protesters got physical as well.

“It's our rally,” one Trump supporter said. “Don't they have a Bernie rally or something to go to? They're entitled to their opinion but they got a little rough too and started pushing back at some points.”

Branham admits she was shouting and chanting during Trump’s speech.

“If you can express your right to speak and say something we can come in to the public space and express our discontent with that,” said Branham.

However, that may not be the case. According to a federal law signed by President Obama in 2012, “Whoever knowingly enters or remains in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority” or “knowingly, and with intent to impede or disrupt the orderly conduct of Government business or official functions, obstructs or impedes ingress or egress to or from any restricted building or grounds.”

H.R. 347 defines “restricted buildings or grounds” as “…a building or grounds where the President or other person protected by the Secret Service is or will be temporarily visiting.”

You can read the full version of H.R. 347 here.

Donald Trump has had Secret Service protection since November.

“It doesn't take away from the fact they assaulted me regardless,” Branham said.

According to Louisville Metro Police, no one was arrested for protesting at the event. None of the protesters reached on Wednesday planned to file a complaint with police.

WDRB News attempted to reach several of the people seen shoving others in the videos, but they did not return messages for comment.

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