Category Archives: Tamara Sol

Chile: Urgent! Anarchist Compañera Tamara Sol has been Transferred Once Again to the Extermination Center in Valdivia

01.02.18: On February 28th, 2018, the prison administration decided to transfer Tamara Sol from the maximum security prison, where she has been held hostage since January 25th. This time, the jailers decided to move Compañera Sol, despite her having pending … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Chile, Fire To The Prisons, Llancahue, Repression, Tamara Sol, Tamara Sol Farías Vergara, Valdivia

Santiago, Chile: Responsibility Claim from ‘Conspiracy of the Black Cells’ for the Coordinated Attacks Against Catholic Churches on 12.01.18

At dawn on January 12th, the night of the hooded moon, we decided to attack one of the most repugnant and murderous entities in history, an entity that based on some stories has plunged millions of people into their misery … Continue reading

Posted in Ale Centonio, Anarchist Prisoners, Anti-Religion, Celestino Cordova, Chile, Conspiracy of the Black Cells, Direct Action, Eco-Resistance, Eco-Struggle, Explosive Attack, Facundo Jones Huala, Fernando Droguett, Freddy Fuentevilla, Fuck The Pope, Gonzalo Toro, Ignacio Muñoz, Incendiary Attack, Joaquin Garcia, Juan Aliste, Juan Flores, Kevin Garrido, Maitu Garay, Mapuche Struggle, Michael Escobar, MPPs (Mapuche Political Prisoners), Natalia 'Tato' Collado, Political Prisoners, Santiago, Tamara Sol, Tomás Montenegro

Chile: Urgent! Anarchist Prisoner Tamara Sol Transferred to the Maximum Security Section in Santiago

26.01.18: On January 25th, 2018, the comrade Tamara Sol was transferred once again, this time from the prison colony of Rancagua to the Maximum Security Section in Santiago. The reason for the transfer is due to her attempted escape from … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Chile, High Security Prison (CAS), Prison Struggle, Rancagua Prison, Repression, Santiago, Tamara Sol, Tamara Sol Farías Vergara, Valparaíso

Chile: Prison Officer Michelle Barahona, Responsible for the Harassment & Mistreatment of Anarchist Comrade Tamara Sol (Eng/Esp)

Barahona is a paco that climbed up the ranks attached to the socialists within the gendarmerie. From them she learned to speak about the focus on law and gender. In the 1990s while she was a lieutenant, she was known … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Chile, Fire To The Prisons, Michelle Barahona, Rancagua Prison, Repression, Tamara Sol, Tamara Sol Farías Vergara

Santiago, Chile: Reivindicación de Ataque Incendiario a Bus del Transantiago

Recibido el 19.01.18: Siempre es momento para el ataque, pero no somos indiferentes ante el panorama actual… mientras la sociedad se regocija seducida por la visita papal y expía sus culpas en la ansiedad de la espera, nosotrxs reivindicamos la … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Chile, Combative Memory, Direct Action, Incendiary Attack, Juan Flores, Matías Catrileo, Santiago, Tamara Sol, Tamara Sol Farías Vergara

Santiago, Chile: Incendiary Attack Against a Transantiago Bus by Weichafe Matías Catrileo Autonomous Group

Received and translated by Insurrection News on 19.01.18: It is always time for the attack, but we are not indifferent to the current scenario…while society rejoices seduced by the Papal visit and atones for their sins in the anxiety of … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Chile, Combative Memory, Incendiary Attack, Juan Flores, Matías Catrileo, Santiago, Tamara Sol, Tamara Sol Farías Vergara

Chile: Update on the Situation of Imprisoned Anarchist Comrade Tamara Sol

13.01.18: The latest information is that the comrade Tamara Sol made an escape attempt on January 12, 2018, leaving her with injuries caused by the latticework of razorwire and spikes that are mounted on the perimeter walls of the prison, … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Chile, Tamara Sol, Tamara Sol Farías Vergara