Category Archives: Repression

Greece: Updates on the trial of anarchist communist comrade Tassos Theofilou

Second hearing of the trial of Tassos Theofilou by Sylvia & Giant With the provocative statements and behavior of the prosecution, started the second hearing of the trial of appeals of Tassos Theofilou, on Tuesday, 20th of December. The sister … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Communist Prisoners, Anarchist Prisoners, Greece, Political Prisoners, Repression, Tassos Theofilou

Greece: Pola Roupa & Nikos Maziotis on hunger & thirst strike in defense of their 6 year old child’s rights

  From our comrades in Greece we have learned that during the arrest of comrade Pola Roupa (member of Revolutionary Struggle and partner of the comrade Nikos Maziotis, also a member of Revolutionary Struggle), that the police kidnapped and detained her 6 … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Greece, Hunger Strike, Korydallos Prison, Nikos Maziotis, Pola Roupa, Political Prisoners, Prison Struggle, Repression, Revolutionary Struggle, Urban Guerrillas

Netherlands: De Vloek eviction – verdict claiming 30.030,35 euros in damages

On the 21st of December 2016 the court in The Hague sentenced ten people who were arrested during the eviction De Vloek free space to pay 30.030.35 in damages to the city council. De Vloek, after being squatted for 13 … Continue reading

Posted in autonomous spaces, De Vloek, Repression, Scheveningen, Social Centers, Squatting, The Hague, The Netherlands | Leave a comment

Turkey: Editor of Meydan anarchist newspaper Hüseyin Civan sentenced to 1 year, 3 months imprisonment

24.12.16: An investigation was started by Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor’s office about our newspaper related to articles “Both Arrival and Departure of State is From Fear”, “Banned Until Further Order”, and “Recreating Life” in issue 30 of our newspaper published … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Hüseyin Civan, Meydan Anarchist Newspaper, Meydan Gazetesi, Repression, Turkey | Leave a comment

Barcelona: Demonstration at the Greek consulate in solidarity with anarcho-syndicalist comrade Lola Gutierez

The Greek state is persecuting a comrade in solidarity from Spain for committing the crime of helping a refugee. Yes, that is the Greek, the good, the humanitarian, the left wing, the state that’s worth a Nobel prize. The same … Continue reading

Posted in Anarcho-Syndicalism, Barcelona, CGT, Freedom For Lola, Lola Gutierez, Refugee Solidarity Movement, Repression | Leave a comment

Greece: Anarchist prisoner Tassos Theofilou on his forthcoming appeals trial starting on Nov. 21st

On November 21st, my appeals trial begins after a 9-month postponement and a three year interval since my first instance trial, during which I was sentenced to serve 25 years in prison for the events related to the robbery on … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Communist Prisoners, Anarchist Prisoners, Greece, Korydallos Prison, Repression, Tassos Theofilou | Leave a comment

Xanthi, Greece: Solidarity Is Our Weapon – trial of 2 antifascists from Kavala (14.11.16)

NO PROSECUTION AGAINST THE TWO ANTIFASCISTS OF KAVALA The so-called Imia crisis, which took place in 1996, served the fascist para-state that for years has been exploiting this particular incident, setting up celebrations of hate. Since 2011 the Patriotic Movement … Continue reading

Posted in Antifa, Antifa Trial, Antifascism, Autonomous Collective of Kavala, Greece, Repression, Vironos 3 Squat, Xanthi | Leave a comment