Federal Politics

Most agree, keeping refugees on Manus and Nauru is cruel: pollster

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Australians overwhelmingly believe keeping asylum seekers on Manus Island and Nauru indefinitely is cruel, but are evenly split on whether they should be resettled in Australia, a survey has found.

The poll by Roy Morgan Research shows attitudes towards those held on remote foreign islands are heavily based on age, gender, geography and political affiliation, with young progressive voters strongly supporting resettlement in Australia.

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The chief executive officer of Roy Morgan Research, Michele Levine, said those who took part in the poll were invited to comment on the policy that has left more than 2000 asylum seekers on Manus and Nauru for more than three years.

"Even those who said: 'Don't bring them to Australia' would still say: 'It's really cruel, I'm concerned at the way they are living'," Ms Levine told Fairfax Media. "There is an overwhelming concern and response to the human suffering that seems to cut across everything." 

The SMS Morgan Poll of 1266 Australians last weekend found a majority of voters in Victoria (52 per cent), New South Wales (51) and Tasmania (58) supported bringing those on Manus and Nauru to Australia.

A majority of voters in Queensland (53 per cent), Western Australia (57) and South Australia (54) opposed resettlement in Australia.


Younger voters were more likely to support resettlement in Australia, with the strongest support among those under 24 (58 per cent) and the strongest opposition among those aged between 50 and 64 (57 per cent).

Female voters strongly supported resettlement in Australia (58 per cent) while male voters were just as likely to be opposed (59 per cent).

While Greens supporters (93 per cent) and Labor voters (68 per cent) were in favour of resettlement in Australia, Coalition voters were strongly opposed (77 per cent).

The survey coincides an announcement that the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse is set to hold limited public hearings on Australia's immigration detention regime on Nauru.

The news was welcomed by executive director of the Human Rights Law Centre's Executive Director, Hugh de Kretser, who said "any scrutiny of the Australian Government's role in harming innocent children in its care is vital, welcome and overdue". 

The Refugee Council of Australia on Tuesday released a "state of the nation" report, applauding Australia's resettlement of refugees from overseas as leading the world, but describing the approach to asylum seekers as "among the world's worst".

"Australia, alone in the world, sends people seeking asylum by boat to tiny islands with threats they will never be able to seek safety in Australia," the report says.

While human rights agencies have repeatedly described the indefinite confinement of asylum seekers on the islands as in breach of international law, the Turnbull Government has vowed that none of those on Nauru or Manus will be resettled in Australia, insisting this would be an incentive to people smugglers to attempt to restart their trade. 

American officials have begun interviewing detainees on Manus Island who want to be included in the agreement to resettle up to 1250 of the refugees in the United States. They have completed the first round on interviews on Nauru.

US President Donald Trump has branded the deal, struck with Barack Obama, as "dumb" but agreed to proceed with it in a tense phone call with Malcolm Turnbull.

Asked if Labor would support resettlement in Australia if the US deal fell over, Labor's Tanya Plibersek told the ABC on Monday: "No, we need to find third-country resettlement as quickly as possible."

Ms Levine said a majority of opponents to resettlement in Australia said the asylum seekers had not come the "right way" or expressed concern that Australia had enough challenges accommodating those already here.

A fear that resettlement in Australia could lead to thousands attempting to come to Australia was mentioned "a little bit", but was not "at the top of people's minds".

"It's less about border security, it's less about fear that there'll be hordes of people coming. It's really concerns about, do we have enough housing? Will we be able to fit them in? What about our own poor?"

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