Seven reasons why your partner should get a vasectomy

Sex without the chance of becoming pregnant - Yes.
Sex without the chance of becoming pregnant - Yes.  Photo: Getty Images

When my husband had his vasectomy I didn't throw myself a party as planned.

Years beforehand, just after my third baby had been cut from my stomach, I'd fantasised about that very moment. I was going to celebrate with a bottle of bubbly. My baby days would officially be over. My years of hormonal flip-flopping triggered by contraception, would also be over. I was going to have a little party in my honour.

Instead, when the time came, I didn't do any of that. I drove him to the doctors and waited for the nurse to call out his name (you know, just to make sure he went through with it). Then I wandered down to the local café and got myself a chocolate milkshake.

Obviously, I was concerned, but let's face it, after growing three babies and having three c-sections, I figured I'd gone through far worse.

By the time I'd made my way back to the car he was ready to go home. It was over in the blink of an eye – the milkshake that is – and the vasectomy.

It was all pretty easy… for me.

For us, the decision for him to get the chop was a simple one. We were certain there would be no more children in our future. We were in our early 40s and it was right for both us.

But if you're on the fence, here are seven reasons your partner should have a vasectomy:

1. He wants one. Sounds simple, because it is. If he's ready and you're ready, then get it done. It helps alleviate the nervousness of accidentally falling pregnant, if it's not in your life's plan.

2. He will love it. By love it I mean, the actual procedure will scare him silly, but the after care will be a dream. My husband says it was one of the best days he's had since having kids because he got to spend a whole day lazing about in bed (with his trusty packet of frozen peas). He was treated like a king. I quickly worked out what it would be like to have four kids.

3. It won't hurt a thing (ok, it will). You grew the babies and then you either got them cut out of you or you pushed them out of your vagina. You've had your fill of pain – he'll be right. Toughen up tiger.

4. It's his turn. You've most probably taken care of the brunt of contraception over the years and it's all too fair that he step-up and "do" his bit. And let him know, he has to engage in an extraordinary amount of "alone time" to make sure his "pipes are clean", so to speak.

5. It can be reversed. If you both change your mind – it's not the end of the world. There are specialist doctors who can reverse the procedure or IVF may be option.

6. His penis will still work. In fact, it might get a bit more action. And if that's not a big enough carrot to dangle, I don't know what is?

7. He's still going to be a man. In fact, he's more of a man for stepping up and taking one for the team, when you've been doing all the heavy lifting for far too long.

Obviously, the decision to have a vasectomy is a big one and can be emotional, but it really is reason to celebrate the end of an era and the beginning of a new stage of life.