Rachel Browne

Rachel Browne is a Social Affairs Reporter for Fairfax Media

Brisbane Catholic Archbishop Mark Coleridge.

Church a 'law unto itself'

A Catholic archbishop has told the royal commission that the church has been a "law unto itself" for too long and serious cultural reform is needed to address child sexual abuse.

Milton Cujes has announced his retirement from Trinity Grammar School.

Trinity headmaster Milton Cujes retires

The long-serving head master of Trinity Grammar, Milton Cujes, has announced he will retire at the end of the year after a 41 year association with the Summer Hill private boys school.

"The work is always going to be there," says Carol Harris.

The Sydney suburbs where you don't want to grow old

Some of the most affluent parts of Sydney as well as regional areas will be hit hardest by aged care staff shortages in the future, with the NSW Government addressing the demand through a new re-skilling program.