Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Political Prisoner Radio Weekly 1/10/2016

tune in for news, information and commentary around political prisoners and prisoners of war. Find us on Facebook.
Political Prisoner Birthdays 
Herman Bell #79-C-0262 Great Meadow Correctional Facility 11739 State Route 22 Post Office Box 51 Comstock, New York 12821-0051
Sundiata Acoli (Clark Squire) #39794-066 FCI Cumberland Post Office Box 1000 Cumberland, Maryland 21501 Address envelope to Clark Squire, address card to Sundiata Acoli.
Joseph Bowen #AM 4272 SCI Coal Township 1 Kelley Drive Coal Township, Pennsylvania 17866-1020 Nickname: Joe-Joe

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Political Prisoner Radio Weekly 12/27/2015

12-20-2015 6-00-49 PM

Tonight we will be highlighting two political prisoners. During the first half-hour we will be speaking to Prisoner Radio's Noelle Hanrahan to get an update on the case involving long held political prisoner and revolutionary Mumia Abu-Jamal.

The courts are currently hearing the case of Abu-Jamal v. Kerestes. The case centers around the refusal of medical treatment to adequately treat the Hepatitis C virus that Mumia suffers from. The case has had some explosive revelations as of late and Noelle Hanrahan will share those with us tonight. This case could have wider implications concerning the human rights of prisoners to get access to the healthcare they need.

During the second half-hour we will be speaking with Josie Shapiro who is a political prisoner advocate for Eric G. King, a 28-year-old vegan anarchist who was arrested and charged with the attempted firebombing of a government official’s office in Kansas City, MO in September 2014. He is currently being held in facilities run by the private prison profiteer and human trafficking company, Corrections Corporation of America and reportedly is being targeted and abused by guards as he is held in solitary confinement.

Political Prisoner Birthdays
Casey Brezik 

Wednesday, Dec 30, 2015

DescriptionCasey Brezik #1154765 Jefferson City Correctional Center 8200 No More Victims Road Jefferson City, Missouri 65101 Political Prisoner & Prisoner of War Birthday Calendar provided by nycabc.wordpress.com

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Amanda Schemkes & Rachel Allshiny #FreeNATO3


Brent Betterly, Brian Jacob Church, Jared Chase—are now known as the NATO 3.

Brent Betterly, Brian Jacob Church, Jared Chase—are now known as the NATO 3. Information about the defendants and this case can be found by navigating through the links at the top of the website https://freethenato3.wordpress.com. You can also donate to the support fund through the link at the top right of each page, as donations are urgently needed for legal and prisoner support needs.

Rachel Allshiny served as librarian and press liaison for Occupy Chicago, and was a protest organizer for the NATO Summit held in Chicago in May 2012. She has been actively supporting the NATO 3, arrested on spurious terrorism charges days before the summit, and other political prisoners since that time. She shares her personal thoughts on various issues on Twitter @allshiny.

Amanda Schemkes is a staff attorney with the Civil Liberties Defense Center; she received her J.D. from the Seattle University School of Law and M.S. in Writing & Book Publishing from Portland State University. Amanda decided to become an attorney because of her experiences in the animal liberation movement, through which she saw a need for legal support that is grounded in solidarity and resistance. She has traveled throughout the country to work with grassroots communities that are fighting to protect the earth and its inhabitants.

Civil Liberties Defense Center website: http://cldc.org/
 and for Kevin and Tyler:
Support Site: http://supportkevinandtyler.com/

Facebook Support Page: https://www.facebook.com/supportkevinandtyler/?fref=ts

Join us for an engaging discussion and updates on Political Prisoner Jared Chase.

The NATO 3 Twitter and FB are: https://twitter.com/FreeNATO3 https://www.facebook.com/Free-the-NATO-3-172345546229824/

Wishlist books for Jared: http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/32QR3TML7LLT/

Mailing Address: Jared Chase M44710 Pontiac Correctional Center PO Box 99 Pontiac, IL 61764

12-4-2013 3-05-12 PM
If you want truth and facts vs lies and fiction, support independent media.http://tinyurl.com/fundblackmedia

Sunday, December 6, 2015

US Supreme Court holds Native Hawaiians as political hostages

Political Prisoner Radio
Tune in for an hour of news, information and commentary concerning political prisoners.

Today will share the latest news concerning a previous report about the re-establishment of the overthrown Kingdom of Hawaii which was cleared by the Obama administration to hold a vote to determine if the Hawaiians would get their country back. That process has now been blocked by the US Supreme Court and why we say every non-assimilated Native Hawaiian is a political prisoner and prisoner of war.

We will share some of the latest political prisoner events posted to our Facebook page Political Prisoner Radio.

Two Political Prisoner Birthdays this week are Stanley L. Cohen (Dec 6) and Zolo Agona Azania (Dec 12).

Tonight an unusually long Political Prisoner Radio Mix made from clips of prisoners Mumia Abu-Jamal, Asar Imhotep Amen, and Kenneth Hartman. The audio commentaries are recorded and posted by Prison Radio. Visit Prison Radio and support their work.

12-4-2013 3-05-12 PM
If you want truth and facts vs lies and fiction, support independent media.http://tinyurl.com/fundblackmedia

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Prisoner Healthcare Rights & Hepatitis C

Political Prisoner Radio 11/22/2015

Tune in for an hour of news, information and commentary on US held political prisoners.

Tonight we will re-air a portion of a press conference that took place at 1199 Healthcare Workers Union in New York. The press conference was concerning prisoners, Hepatitis C and the refusal of prison administrators to provide medical treatment. Hepatitis C is a communicable disease that prisons are choosing to let spread among inmates.

The Abolitionists Law Center argues that "Health care and a healthy environment is a human right for prisoners and non-prisoners alike." Attorney Bret Grote is representing political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamaal in his lawsuit against the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections which is withholding treatment from him for Hepatitis C.

The case could have an impact on prisoners healthcare rights across the United States.

Mumia Abu-Jamal is the lone voice in tonight's Political Prisoner Radio Mix. Topics he touches on include fear mongering, banning Syrian Refugees, politics and finance.

 There are no political prisoners with birthdays this week but we will share news updates from our Political Prisoner Radio Facebook page. When you follow us on Facebook, make sure to not only "Like" the page but click the button a second time to select the option to get our updates in your Facebook news feed.

  12-4-2013 3-05-12 PM

If you want truth and facts vs lies and fiction, support independent media.http://tinyurl.com/fundblackmedia