Josh Frydenberg's climate policy review 2017: what does it all mean?

The 2017 climate review will shape policies for the next decade.
The 2017 climate review will shape policies for the next decade. AP

The Turnbull government's review of climate policies, including the $2.5 billion Emissions Reduction Fund and the emissions reduction target of 26 to 28 per cent by 2030, will start in February with the release of a discussion paper and conclude by the end of 2017.

The review will be conducted by the Department of Environment and Energy, not an independent outsider.

The terms of reference for the review include:

1) The opportunities and challenges of reducing emissions on a sector-by-sector basis

What does it mean? This leaves the door open for an emissions trading scheme in the electricity sector, an idea flagged by Labor and the Climate Change Authority. But the Turnbull government has played down the prospects of an ETS, even though its own Direct Action policies have potential to be a cap and trade scheme if the settings are tightened to force big polluters to change their behaviour and be penalised for exceeding baselines.

2) The impact of policies on jobs, investment, trade competitiveness, households and regional Australia.

What does it mean?: Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg is taking over from where his predecessor environment minister Greg Hunt left off. Frydenberg has the delicate balancing act of trying to push through climate policies to cut carbon emissions, but at the same time ensuring energy prices do not go up and jobs are lost in emissions-intensive industries. Frydenberg on Sunday was pushing hard on this angle as well as attacking the economic impact of Labor's carbon tax. "We will never forget the Australian families who are struggling to meet their power bills and the many blue-collar workers who feel their jobs in emissions intensive industries are under threat," he said. "We owe it to them to find the lowest cost way to meet our emission reduction targets while at the same time ensure the lights stay on." The bottom line? If certain climate policies hurt consumers and industry too much, they ain't going to be happening.

3) The integration of climate change and energy policy, including the impact of state-based policies on achieving an effective national approach.

What does it mean?: Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull bit the bullet and combined the climate change and energy portfolios after he rolled Tony Abbott last year. It was something that never would have been considered by Abbott when he was PM and buoyed renewable energy advocates that there was finally going to be some action on climate change. The jury is still out on the Turnbull government which many believe has been just as slow as the Abbott government. The 2017 climate review is a chance for Turnbull and Frydenberg to leave their stamp on climate policy for the next 10 to 20 years. While a new Renewable Energy Target post-2020 is not looking promising, the Turnbull government has state Labor governments and their aspirational, non-binding state-based targets - Queensland (50 per cent by 2030), Victoria (40 per cent by 2025) and South Australia (50 per cent by 2025) - in their sights. Expect to hear a lot more in the lead-up to the 2018 federal election about how these policies are costing jobs and pushing up the price of power.

4) The role and operation of the Emissions Reduction Fund and its safeguard mechanism.

What does it mean?: The controversial $2.5 billion Emissions Reduction Fund has frustrated critics of the Coalition's climate policy. Essentially it uses taxpayer's money to pay groups to cut carbon emissions. This would be fine if it was directed at big polluters like industry or the electricity sector, but the first four auctions have been snapped by farmers who get paid for growing trees, the landfill sector and Aboriginal groups for burning savanna land. The Clean Energy Regulator has contracted 397 projects to reduce 178 million tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere in the first four auctions from the Emissions Reduction Fund. The bulk of the projects are vegetation management (113.4million tonnes) followed by landfill and waste (22.2 million tonnes), agriculture (17.3million tonnes), savanna burning (13.8 million tonnes), industrial fugitive emissions (0.77 million tonnes), energy efficiency (4.4 million tonnes), transport (1.2 million tonnes). There's only about $400 million left which should all be used up by the final auction due in April next year. The big issue is whether it will be topped up by the Turnbull government in May or if it will lie dormant for the remainder of 2017 while the climate review is being conducted.

It's important to remember that the ERF's was Greg Hunt's baby. He believed it would form the centrepiece of the Coalition's climate change policies for decades. But the fact the ERF is up for review shows Frydenberg and Turnbull are being pragmatic. The ERF probably will survive but it could be collateral damage if there is an overhaul of policies.

The safeguard mechanisms sets emissions baselines for 150 of Australia's biggest polluters but the rules are so lax and penalties virtually non-existent it allows companies to change their baselines if they exceed them. The end result? They are next to useless unless the baselines are reduced to force big polluters to change their behaviour and cut their emissions. A big stick is needed to ensure this happens. A tightening of the safeguard mechanisms is a no-brainer.

5) Complementary policies, including the National Energy Productivity Plan.

What does it mean? Frydenberg has been making a fair bit of noise lately about commentators focusing too much on the electricity sector when it comes to emissions. He says emissions by the electricity sector have dropped from 197 million tonnes in 2005 to 189 million tonnes in 2016. By contrast, vehicle emissions in the transport sector over the same period have increased by 15 per cent from 81 million tonnes to 94 million tonnes, according the national greenhouse gas inventory. The agriculture sector (down by 9 million tonnes) and deforestation (down from 78 million tonnes to 35 millon tonnes) are improving. So watch out for the next big push by the Turnbull government will be focusing on lowering vehicle emissions.

6) The role of research and development and innovation.

What does it mean? Frydenberg believes R&D; will provide the solution to help Australia navigate the path from an economy dominated by fossil fuels such as coal and gas to renewable technologies such as wind and solar. "I'm confident we can find engineering solutions to a lot of the challenges posed by increased intermittent generation. Some of these solutions have been developed and others are on the cusp of development," Frydenberg told AFR Weekend. At the moment, there are many big questions about how renewable energy can provide solutions to provide affordable and secure energy (look at the South Australian black-outs) with chief scientist Alan Finkel delivering his review on energy security next year. The clock is ticking.

7) The potential role of credible international units in meeting Australia's emissions targets

What does it mean?: Former minister Greg Hunt was keen for years to push international permits which would allow Australian companies to reduce their own emissions. But former PM Abbott was never a big fan and it was always shut down around the Cabinet table. The leadership coup by Turnbull allowed permits to come back on the table and the baton was passed from Hunt to Frydenberg. Critics says permits are a bit of a cop-out because they allow companies to buy other countries emissions reductions rather than cutting their own. But they are expected to be part of the new initiatives out of next year's climate review.

8) A potential long-term emissions reduction goal post-2030.

What does it mean?: The Turnbull government has already set a new emissions reduction target of 26 to 28 per cent on 2005 levels by 2030. But the climate review will look at whether there needs to be a new target post-2030, which there no doubt inevitably will be. While governments normally love setting targets, the Renewable Energy Target - which works in parallel with the emissions reduction target - looks set to be consigned to the scrap heap. The current revised target of 23.5 per cent (or 33,000 gigawatt hours) of Australia's energy from renewables by 2020 is probably going to be the last, from a Coalition government at least. Frydenberg is at pains to say the 2020 target results in investment decisions out to 2030, but that doesn't really cut it with clean energy advocates who say there needs to be a legislated RET for decades to come.