Consider an ETS, industry tells Turnbull government

Industry wants an emissions trading scheme for the electricity sector.
Industry wants an emissions trading scheme for the electricity sector. Paul Jones

The Turnbull government must take decisive action to overhaul its existing Direct Action climate policies, including the adoption of a form of emissions trading scheme, as part of the 2017 climate review, according to industry experts.

While there has been a convergence of climate policy from both the Coalition and the Labor Party over the past few years, senior Turnbull ministers have distanced themselves from embracing an emissions trading scheme for the electricity sector.

But energy experts believe it is inevitable there will be a move to some type of emissions trading scheme. This could result from a tightening of settings for the existing $2.5 billion Emissions Reduction Fund and the safeguard mechanism that sets pollution limits for emissions intensive industries.

Grattan Institute energy program director Tony Wood said Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull were walking through a "policy minefield" but if they were able to cross it the result could be a successful integration of energy and climate policies.

 Terms of reference for the climate policy review and what they mean
Terms of reference for the climate policy review and what they mean

"They just have to get the political narrative right. It is a high-wire act and a complex path to get through a minefield of challenges. They have to satisfy the Labor states, satisfy Labor and the Greens but not scare off their own party too much," Mr Wood told The Australian Financial Review.

"And they have to bring industry along as they look for a credible climate policy. But it is fair to say they are testing the water for an emissions trading scheme."

Attack on Labor

The 2017 climate review announced on Monday will look at opportunities for reducing emissions on a sector-by-sector basis, an assessment of the Emissions Reduction Fund and a potential long-term emissions reduction goal post-2030.

Business and industry groups have called for bipartisan action on climate policy to ensure a stable environment for business investment, but Mr Frydenberg used the release of the terms of reference on Sunday to attack Labor over its carbon tax.

"Australia's effective climate change policies are working. This is in direct comparison to Labor's $15.4 billion carbon tax hit, which increased power prices for households and businesses with little emissions reduction," Mr Frydenberg said.

Ai Group chief executive Innes Willox urged the federal government to take a constructive and sensible approach to the climate review.

"It is vital that the review develops an approach that will be effective in reducing net emissions; that will attract bipartisan support; and will reduce emissions at least cost and without adversely impacting on Australia's competitiveness," Mr Willox said.

Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry CEO James Pearson welcomed the consideration of international carbon permits to help reduce Australia's emissions, as well as the review of the impact of state-based renewable schemes and whether they are impeding the national task.

"Climate change is a global problem requiring a global solution, so we must also consider how international permits can deliver credible greenhouse gas reductions and whether the policies of state governments are conflicting with national efforts," Mr Pearson said.

Finkel review

State and federal energy ministers commissioned chief scientist Alan Finkel to conduct a review into energy security following the blackouts in South Australia last month. A draft report will be delivered to the Council of Australian Governments meeting on Friday.

The Australian Energy Council, which represents 21 electricity and gas producers, said the Finkel review, which is due in final form early next year, must be used in conjunction with the climate review to overhaul the nation's energy system as it transitions towards more intermittent renewable energy like wind and solar.

"Our energy system is visibly deteriorating, as evidenced by recent events in South Australia. We are decommissioning large power stations without a plan to replace them," Australian Energy Council CEO Matthew Warren said.

"Investment in key energy infrastructure has been paralysed by a decade of energy and climate policy uncertainty. Repairing this confidence is a national priority. Australians want a reliable and affordable transition to a decarbonised energy future. It is not an unreasonable request."

Carbon consultancy RepuTex said the climate review would be a litmus test for the Turnbull government to design a workable policy framework to meet Australia's current and future emissions reduction targets, while managing internal divisions within the Coalition.

Meanwhile, gas industry leaders who met with Industry Minister Greg Hunt in Melbourne on Monday stressed the importance of an affordable gas supply for businesses and families.

Shell Australia chairman Andrew Smith cautioned that gas would be more expensive while state governments continue to ban exploration.

"In particular Victorian businesses will pay more for gas, and jobs will be lost, because the government has banned gas exploration without any scientific basis," Mr Smith said. "This will ripple through the state's economy and impact on manufacturing jobs that once lost will never come back."

With Angela Macdonald-Smith