RBA's Philip Lowe warns of 'sobering combination' of high debt, weak wages

"To date, we have been satisfied that the labour market is heading in the right direction, if not as quickly as we'd like."
"To date, we have been satisfied that the labour market is heading in the right direction, if not as quickly as we'd like." Bloomberg

Reserve Bank of Australia governor Philip Lowe has denied the threat of a long undershoot of his 2-3 per cent inflation target but conceded that record-levels of household debt will complicate the task of normalising official interest rates.

Warning that many households are suffering from a "sobering combination" of high debt and slow wages growth that will drag on spending, Dr Lowe acknowledged there was a real risk that businesses and consumers will come to think inflation won't rebound.

If inflation expectations are pushed lower in that way, that could entrench the low-rate, low economic growth, low wages trend of recent years - effectively producing a self-perpetuating spiral.

"If inflation is low for a long period of time, it is certainly possible that inflation expectations adjust, making it harder to achieve the objective," Dr Lowe told an Australia-Canada business forum in Sydney on Wednesday.


"At the moment though, I don't see a particularly high risk of this in Australia. The recent lift in headline inflation is helpful here and most measures of inflation expectations are within the range seen over recent decades."

The remarks follow a warning this month by the International Monetary Fund that the Reserve Bank must hammer home its goal of lifting inflation back to the target to avoid sliding into the Japanese and European trap of exhausting its interest rate ammunition.

Doing so means keeping official rates at a stimulatory level for the economy until higher inflation is "highly secured".

Rate cuts unlikely

However, in answer to questions at the function, Dr Lowe signalled that the central bank doesn't see more interest rate stimulus as the most sensible answer for the economy.


Dr Lowe said policy makers are "trying to balance multiple objectives at the moment.

"We would like the economy to grow a bit more. If we were to try to achieve that through monetary policy that would encourage people to borrow more and it probably would put more upward pressure on housing prices. At the moment I don't think these two things are in the national interest."

In his speech, Dr Lowe said that recent years of ultra-low interest rates have encouraged households to ramp up the national debt-to-income ratio to a record - perversely creating the very same constraint on inflation expectations and the prospect of higher official interest rates.

"It is possible that continuing rises in indebtedness, partly as a result of low interest rates, increase the fragility of household balance sheets.


"If so, then at some point in the future, households having decided that they had borrowed too much, might cut back consumption sharply, hurting the overall economy and employment.

"It is difficult to quantify this risk, but it is one that is difficult to ignore. As I said, our focus is on the medium term, not just the next year or so."

While households are coping "reasonably well" with their debt level - thanks to low borrowing costs - they were still grappling with the slowest nominal income growth in decades.

"For many, this is a sobering combination.

"Reflecting this, our latest forecasts were prepared on the basis that growth in consumption was unlikely to run ahead of growth in household income over the next couple of years; in other words the household saving rate was likely to remain constant.

"This is a bit different from recent years, over which the saving rate had trended down slowly."

Mr Lowe said he did not think the current level of household debt was unsustainable but he said it was a "vulnerability."

He said household debt was only a little higher than the range it had been at as a share of income since the early 2000s. "So f it's unsustainable it's been unsustainable for more than a decade," Mr Lowe said.

He said the vulnerability of high debt levels was that at some point households might pnic. "The risk that we focus on is that some future point households might decide that we did borrow too much and in response to some bad piece of news really cut back a lot."

"If household borrowing keeps rising at the current rate or were to accelerate...then that risk would go up."

Jobs not improving 'as quickly as we'd like'

Dr Lowe said a second major consideration for the central bank - which is increasingly subject to speculation that its next move will be to hike borrowing costs - is the fact that the jobs market isn't improving as "quickly as we'd like."

"All else constant, if the unemployment rate is high and rising, the stronger would be the case for policy to pursue a quicker return of inflation to the midpoint of the target.

"To date, we have been satisfied that the labour market is heading in the right direction, if not as quickly as we'd like."

After falling in 2015, the jobless rate has been stuck at around 5.7 per cent to 5.8 per cent, and there are large differences across the country, Dr Lowe said.

"So it is an area that we continue to watch carefully."

Dr Lowe used most of his speech to note the similarities between Canada and Australia, including their approaches to monetary policy, their experience with the resources boom, strong population growth, and buoyant housing markets that are heavily influenced by low borrowing costs and Asian capital inflows.

In a pointed shot at the new US administration, Dr Lowe also hammered the pro-trade, pro-globalisation approach of both countries, given their reliance on exports.

"Too often these days, a commitment to open international trade, integration into global capital markets, a strong role for markets and a dynamic financial sector are seen as liabilities, not as assets."

"Australia and Canada provide strong counter examples. We show that openness can deliver both prosperity and resilience.

"We both enjoy standards of living that relatively few people elsewhere in the world enjoy. And while our economies have had their ups and downs, they have also proved to be pretty resilient. "