The Right Wing

'Everything's on the Table': Kellyanne Conway Floats Mass Recess Appointments of Trump Nominees

She called the remaining Obama-era staff "sleeper cells."

Photo Credit: Philip Cohen / Flickr

On Tuesday, counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway—who’s recently had some trouble getting booked on cable news shows —appeared on conservative talk host Hugh Hewitt’s radio show. Hewitt asked Conway why the president has not fired Obama-appointed U.S. attorneys and praised Donald Trump’s controversial decision to dismiss acting Attorney General Sally Yates.

“Hey, I just want him to do, there are sleeper cells of Obama appointees throughout this government who are in political jobs. They’re not civil servants, and I want them, I really want them gone yesterday,” Hewitt said.

Hewitt asked Conway if the administration is willing to consider recess appointments, which occur when the Senate is not in session, in order to bypass congressional oversight: “Would you push that, because we’ve got to stand up to this government, and Senate Democrats are not going to do anything to assist us in getting going,” he said.

Conway assured Hewitt that the controversial measure was a possibility.

“Everything’s on the table. All of that is being discussed, Hugh. And you make some excellent points. You’re right about the Democrats,” she asserted. “I mean, to see sort of congenital, presumptive obstruction and negativity is very concerning, because it just means that the government can’t function fully, and that they’re obstructing regardless of who the individual is that’s being considered, regardless of the post that needs to be filled. And it’s very frustrating.”

Tana Ganeva is a reporter covering criminal justice, drug policy and homelessness. Follow her on Twitter @TanaGaneva.

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