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From Washington, DC to Moscow, from São Paulo to Aleppo, the most reactionary elements have gained state power and intend to force their tyrannical vision of the world on everyone. People are pouring into resistance movements as it becomes increasingly clear that there is no institutional solution for this. Ever eager to play our role in propelling and informing today’s struggles, we’re back with two ambitious books about the issues of the hour: borders and democracy. These books are No Wall They Can Build and From Democracy to Freedom.

Both of these are fully written and ready to publish, but we are trying a new approach to funding and distributing them. We are asking you to contribute to a Kickstarter campaign to help us get them out into the world.

Help us publish print versions of our latest books, so we can offer PDF versions free of charge forever.

With scarcely a week left on our Kickstarter campaign, we’re already two thirds of the way to $20,000. If we reach that goal, in addition to publishing the books, we will also be able to print stickers and arrange Spanish translation.

With scarcely a week left on our Kickstarter campaign, we’re already two thirds of the way to $20,000. If we reach that goal, in addition to publishing the books, we will also be able to print stic...|By CrimethInc. Ex-Workers Collective

Why do people cross the border without documents? How do they make the journey? Whose interests does the border serve - and what has it done to North America?

Every year, thousands of people risk their lives to cross the desert between Mexico and the United States. Drawing on nearly a decade of solidarity work along the border, this book uncovers the true goals and costs of US border policy - and what to do about it.

#nowallnoban #chingalamigra

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Donald Trump has taken to his soapbox to carp about “fake news,” as if the corporate news media were a subversive force. On the contrary, while biased or outright dishonest reporting is the rule rather than the exception, it almost always serves those in power. The interests of the corporate news media cannot be disentangled from the advertisers who fund them and the authorities they count on for scoops. In this eyewitness report from a demonstration in Philadelphia last Friday, participants relate how police attacked them with batons and pepper spray, then persuaded local media to report that it was the demonstrators who pepper-sprayed them.

In this eyewitness report, participants relate how Philly police attacked them with batons and pepper spray, then persuaded local media to report that it was the demonstrators who pepper-sprayed them.|By CrimethInc. Ex-Workers Collective

Let five people meet who are resolved to the lightning of action rather than the agony of survival—from that moment, despair ends and tactics begin.

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Over the past week, nearly 700 people have been rounded up in a wave of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) sweeps across the US. In response, people have blockaded roads and ICE vans and organized massive demonstrations. But what would it take to stop the raids altogether?

Over the past week, nearly 700 people have been rounded up in a wave of ICE sweeps across the US. Many people have demonstrated in response—but what would it take to stop the raids altogether?|By CrimethInc. Ex-Workers Collective

New article Syrian Underground Railroad: Open Border Activism in the Modern Landscape at…/the-syrian-underground-railroad-mi…


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“The future is already here,” Cyberpunk pioneer William Gibson once said; “it’s just not very evenly distributed.” Over the intervening decades, many people have repurposed that quote to suit their needs. Today, in that tradition, we might refine it thus: War is already here—it’s just not very evenly distributed...

Introducing the tech desk.

In this chaotic world, in which new and increasing threats ceaselessly menace our freedom, technology has become an essential battlefield.|By CrimethInc. Ex-Workers Collective

It’s time to strategize. Is it more realistic to set out to overturn the Muslim ban, halt further construction of the border wall, help our friends and loved ones evade ICE roundups, stop the DAPL and Keystone XL, protect our drinking water, slow down global warming, tame the financial sector and stop the police from killing people and defend abortion access—or to take down the government itself? Should we fight a thousand defensive battles—or a single offensive one?

It’s time to strategize. Should we fight a thousand defensive battles—or a single offensive one? And what happens if Trump faces a real crisis of legitimacy?|By CrimethInc. Ex-Workers Collective

What do anarchists mean when we talk about love? For some the word is inextricably associated with pacifism. Spiritual leaders like Martin Luther King, Jr. preached love and non-violence as one and the same. “Peace and love”—together, these words have become a mantra invoked to impose passivity on those who would stand up for themselves. But does love always mean peace? Do we need to throw out the one if we disagree tactically with the other? What does it mean for us to extol love in such a violent time, when more and more people are losing faith in nonviolence? What is actually at stake in embracing or rejecting the rhetoric of love?

“Peace and love”—together, these words have become a mantra invoked to impose passivity on those who would stand up for themselves. But does love always mean peace?|By CrimethInc. Ex-Workers Collective

In this report, comrades based on the Syrian border in Turkey describe how they assisted Syrian refugees in escaping to central Europe and tease out the lessons for people engaged in similar work in the United States. Although Syrians themselves led the majority of initiatives to respond to the crisis, people of all backgrounds can play important roles in forming networks of support for the targeted and excluded. As ICE raids intensify around the US, it is time to set up our own emergency response networks and underground railroads.

Anarchists describe how they assisted Syrian refugees in escaping to central Europe and explore the lessons for people engaged in similar solidarity efforts in the United States.|By CrimethInc. Ex-Workers Collective

As massive anti-corruption protests shake former socialist countries and NATO and Russia mass their troops along the border between East and West, anarchists are asking how best to intervene in the upheavals ahead in this contested region. Seeking a case study in resistance along the Eastern European rim, we talked with anarchists in Armenia about their experiences in recent demonstrations against corruption, the cost of living, and the current government. The lessons they pass on are instructive for participants in social movements all around the world.

Anarchists in Armenia describe the past four years of demonstrations against corruption, the cost of living, and the ruling government, presenting a case study in Eastern European resistance.|By CrimethInc. Ex-Workers Collective
CrimethInc. added a new photo.
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From Democracy to Freedom grew out of years of dialogue between participants in social movements around the world. Exploring how recent uprisings have been catalyzed and limited by democratic discourse, From Democracy to Freedom explores the difference between government and self-determination, proposing new ways to understand what we’re doing when we make decisions together.

Help us publish this book:…/new-books-about-b…/description

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This article is for anyone facing prison time as a result of participating in the struggle for a socially and ecologically sustainable future for the planet we live on and the beings that inhabit it. It may also be relevant to anyone engaged in that struggle whose activity is likely to lead to a collision with the massive edifice of inertia that is the legal system.

A step-by-step guide from arrest to verdict—for anyone facing potential prison time as a result of participating in the struggle for a better world.|By CrimethInc. Ex-Workers Collective

From Washington, DC to Melania Trump’s hometown in Slovenia, the police form the front line in every assault the state carries out against us. Without a professional force of mercenaries, tyrants like Trump and Putin could never implement their agendas. Yet we’re told that police are indispensable, that we should be grateful for the intimidation and violence they inflict on our communities...

Our classic poster, “The Police,” has been translated into French, German, Portuguese, Slovenian, and Spanish. Here are all of them for your convenience.|By CrimethInc. Ex-Workers Collective

Preview of the poster that accompanies our upcoming book No Wall They Can Build.

The border is not just a wall or a line on a map. It’s a power structure, as system of control. The border is everywhere that people live in fear of deportation, everywhere migrants are denied the rights accorded to citizens, everywhere human beings are segregated into included and excluded.

The border divides the whole world into gated communities and prisons, one within the other in concentric ...circles of privilege and control. At one end of the continuum, there are billionaires who can fly anywhere in private jets; at the other end, inmates in solitary confinement. As long as there is a border between you and those less fortunate than you, you can be sure there will be a border above you, too, keeping you from the things you need. And who will tear down that second border with you, if not the people separated from you by the first?

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CrimethInc. is a rebel alliance—a decentralized network pledged to anonymous collective action—a breakout from the prisons of our age.