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  2. 24 de jan

    Hyoga seu maldito acabou com todo meu vidro de catchup heinz!!!

  3. 24 de jan

    Aprenda com o Senpai galerinha: Para parar um ferimento sangrando basta fazer outro buraco igual!

  4. há 4 horas

    A vai omitir tudo que aconteceu nesse evento do e qdo alguma resposta da direita tomar as ruas vai botar a culpa no Trump

  5. há 6 horas

    Vejam! Pessoas queimando coisas porque não querem que outras pessoas tenham a liberdade de conhecer "idéias perigosas".

  6. há 8 horas

    Liberalism is a mental disorder

  7. há 2 horas

    Trump supporter sprayed in the face during UC Berkeley riots! PLEASE RETWEET and if you know him contact .

  8. há 3 horas

    ANTIFA beat and bloodied this man for supporting and Trump.

  9. há 3 horas

    Made Milo more famous.

  10. há 3 horas

    The "tolerant" Left in action as a young girl is pepper sprayed for wearing a MAGA hat. Antifas ARE fascists.

  11. há 4 horas

    RETWEET if you think every rioter shooting fireworks at the building where going to speak should be arrested!

  12. há 4 horas

    The tolerant left in action — woman pepper sprayed for wearing a MAGA hat. The Antifa are the real fascists.

  13. há 4 horas
  14. há 4 horas

    "For 30 years, the left has been able to bully people into silence by name calling and they’ve forgotten how to argue."- 🔥

  15. há 5 horas

    Os esquerdistas que pedem tolerância, bateram na moça com a haste da bandeira esquerdista e jogaram gás de pimenta nela.

  16. há 6 horas

    ta pra nascer alguem mais burro que o povo que ta protestando contra o ninguem sabia dessa palestra agora tem cobertura ao vivo na tv

  17. há 6 horas

    "I annoy the feminists & the Black Lives Matter guys probably almost as much as does." - Yiannopoulos 🔥

  18. há 6 horas

    BREAKING: Driver Runs Down Rioters Near UC Berkeley

  19. há 6 horas

    Thank you for exposing how intolerant the left has become. riot is completely against our 1st Amendment. 🔥🔥🔥

  20. há 6 horas

    WOAH. Protestors blocked car in Berkeley. Driver ran them over. Sped off.

  21. há 6 horas

    "The left is braindead. No ideas. No solutions. Nothing positive to offer. They wake up and scream 'racist!'"

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