Tea Pain


Leader of the "American Party"

Gizzard Ridge, AR
Inscrit en mars 2014

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  1. Tweet épinglé
    14 févr.

    We finally have a strong, intelligent and competent leader in Washington D.C.. Sadly he's gotta go back to Canada.

  2. il y a 59 minutes

    President of the United States: - Leaks to Russia = GOOD - Leaks to US journalists = BAD

  3. il y a 51 minutes
  4. il y a 2 heures

    Republicans are on the mornin' shows sayin' the real problem with the bank robbery was all them security cameras.

  5. il y a 2 heures

    As far as Tea Pain's concerned, the only problem with "leaks" is that we need more of 'em!

  6. il y a 4 heures

    Translated: "This leaked information proves I am un-American."

  7. il y a 4 heures

    Trump loves "leaks", but only by foreign spies and Russian hookers.

  8. il y a 4 heures

    The one thing missin' in Trump's morning tweet-storm? A denial. You know, that thing that innocent people do?

  9. il y a 4 heures
  10. il y a 13 heures

    See why we expect Presidential candidates to disclose their tax returns?

  11. il y a 14 heures

    A Trump surrogate is on CNN right now blaimin' Obama for Trump's contacts with the Russian government.

  12. il y a 14 heures

    The excitin' thing about this is we're not sure who our President's gonna be.

  13. il y a 14 heures

    POLL: Now that Trump's ties to Russia are evident, how will the GOP react?

  14. il y a 14 heures

    Friends, we have a ringside seat for the biggest political scandal in U.S. history. Let us stand together and defend our Republic. Amen!

  15. il y a 14 heures

    This a actually a blessing, fellow Patriots. We can stop this treason now before we hand our country over to Vladimir Putin. Stand as one!

  16. il y a 14 heures

    Lookin' back, maybe it wasn't the best strategy to make enemies with both the Press and the Intelligence Community.

  17. Tea Pain s'est abonné , , and 505 others
    • @DaffodilGoddess

      I believe in the dignity and equality of all human beings. No bigots. Bi-racial. Feminist. Humanist. Progressive Patriot. Climate change is real. Pro-science.

    • @drlward

      Progressive liberal, realistic patriot, proud father, DC born , , Primary care doc. My personal Twitter account. See for Prof account

  18. il y a 15 heures

    Trump supporters: The time has come for you to stand with your fellow countrymen and preserve our Democracy.

  19. il y a 17 heures

    Gotta ask the obvious. If Flynn did nothin' wrong, why did Flynn have to lie about it and why did Trump conceal it from Pence for 9 days?

  20. il y a 17 heures

    This ain't no way to start an administration, but it's an excellent way to end one.

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