Category Archives: Alternative Right

Rally Against the Nationalist Front and Traditionalist Workers Party in Kentucky

The Nationalist Front is a new confederation of neo-Nazi, KKK, and Alt Right groups that is trying to capitalize on a Trump presidency.  Made up of some of the more obvious sectors of the white nationalist movement like the National Socialist Movement, the groups who, until recently, was well known for emblazoning a swastika over the America flag.  The Traditionalist Workers Party, the political wing of Matthew Heimbach’s Traditionalist Youth Network, is one of the most well-known groups in the new confederation, and they have been successful at pulling both from the Alt Right community and the more traditional rural white supremacist organizations like the White Knights.  Matthew Heimbach and TWP recently presented at the Right Stuff planned Atlanta Forum, which was coordinated as a Southern Nationalist event by the people behind the Rebel Yell podcast.


TWP and those in the Nationalist Front are known for their street actions, and now that Trump is threatening to lower federal scrutiny on white supremacist organizations in favor of targeting Muslims, they now think that they can make a show of strength in the South.  They recently announced a rally for April 29th in Pikeville, Kentucky, a town with scarcely over 6,000 people.  This is historically the kind of area where they hope to recruit from, but only if they are able to reframe the narrative on their own terms and come without opposition.  They are messaging the event as taking a “stand for white working families,” part of the fascist populism that TWP is known for, arguing that they stand for the white working class against leftist immigration, free trade, and internationalism.

This action by TWP is not going unchallenged as a counter rally has already being organized and it is going to need the support of antifascists around the country.  That rally meets at Pikeville Park on Main Street, and we are linking to the Facebook event below.

RSVP at the Facebook Event and Get Directions

Twitter and Reddit Are Now Banning the Alt Right

The Alt Right is, fundamentally, a social media phenomenon.  The concept of the Alt Right has been around since 2010, a specific confluence of white nationalism influenced by various strands of thought including Neoreaction, Paleoconservatism, the European New Right, and so on.  The phenomonon of the Alt Right, as we know it today, is that of the popularization of those ideas, turning their racialism into Twitter trolls, snarky blogs, and annoying podcasts.  They have relied on Web 2.0 platforms like Twitter for publicity and SoundCloud for podcast hosting because it puts them on an equal footing with the giants of media opinion.

The only problem is that their racism violates every rule the platform has, giving them a finite life.  Over the last year many of their leaders have been banned from Twitter.  First, Milo Yiannoupoulos of Breitbart was shuttered for leading a racist harassment raid on actress Leslie Jones.  Later Ricky Vaughn was kicked off, and then Richard Spencer and many others.  Likewise, SoundCloud began dropping white nationalist podcasts like the Daily Shoah and Fash the Nation, and PayPal severed their funding.  Though many of them are trying to make new platforms like Gab their home, they just aren’t going to happen in the public consciousness.

On Saturday, February 4th, Twitter just went through on a huge banning campaign.  They shut down Charles Johnson (AKA Reactionary Tree), the account for the newly form, Dr. Joyce, Murdoch/ Murdoch, and several dozen other Alt Right figures were dropped from Twitter.  This is the only way for them to break into the mainstream even a little bit, which is a huge hit to a movement that needs this trolling platform to find a place for itself.  Cuckservative gave it a boost, #AltRight gave it a name, and its ability to take racism viral is what made it relevant, and without platforms like Twitter it is almost as though it will cease to be.

At the same time, Reddit has begun the purge of Alt Right subreddits that have become a home for the ugliest racism on the Internet.  R/AltRight and R/AlternativeRight has been banned from the site, with R/The_Donald likely to be next.  What this shows clearly is that they are banning them based on ideological grounds, understanding that Alt Right online forums are where plans for doxing and harassment begin.

While the Alt Right is still larger than we ever could have imagined a few years ago, the last six months have been a brutal social attack on them, and they are reeling.

The Alt Right’s Anonymity is Failing, and They Are Unable to Withstand Exposure

Among the crowd of well-dressed white nationalists that made up the now infamous National Policy Institute conference in November 2016, he certainly stood out. In a purple t-shirt, an unkempt man with a thick Scottish accent took to grand metaphor and shocking allegations to keep across a message of white separatism. Millennial Woes, the pseudonym for Colin Robertson, has become an Alt Right star in the caustic cauldron that was 2016. His strange YouTube videos, often long-winded Google Hangouts with other Alt Right celebrities, are so numerous that in the world of constant racist podcast streams and talking-head webcams, he has stood out.

Colin Robertson – Millenial Woes

While his face has been well seen over the last two years, he has attempted to remain completely anonymous. The expectation was that his name, address, and personal information would remain his own, hidden from the media, all while his face and voice became ubiquitous, easily accessible in a search engine. When British tabloids finally revealed who he was several weeks ago, the only person that seemed surprised that this occurred was Robertson.

The Alt Right, as it exists today, has relied on anonymity as the key to its growth. White nationalism has been personally toxic for decades, and someone’s associations with open racism and anti-Semitism often making it difficult for them to keep a job or a hold down relationship. The ability for people to interact in a meaningful way while remaining anonymous to the general public has been exactly what the Alt Right needed to get a large base of educated Middle Class racists, exactly the crowd who would not be willing to give up their comfortable life in the way that many public KKK members and neo-Nazis have. They have been able to have their cake and eat it too: they keep their bourgeois lives in tact while also continuing to contribute to a revolutionary fascist movement.

The step beyond being a Twitter “shitlord” was to start blogging and, later, podcasting, where people could hear your racial slurs without ever seeing the face of the person on the other end of the microphone. This became popular as pseudoanonymous Alt Right ideologues became well known, from the crowd at The Right Stuff podcast network to people like Paul Kersey and his blog Things Black People Don’t Like. The number of people living under false names yet joining weekly web radio shows is growing, all with the idea that their anonymity could be maintained for the long-term. As they make the next step towards in-person organizing, this step is even more difficult, making it impossible to remain in obscurity for long.

Emily Youcis

2016’s National Policy Institute conference was the largest white nationalist event of the year, a place where the Alt Right could get together to pat each other on the back after a year of media validation and the arrival of the Trump Train. In the crowd were scores of these Alt Right media celebrities, both “out” and still under the radar. Emily Youcis has recently made a name for herself for her surrealist Alt Right cartoons and vicious racist remarks, and she stormed out of the building to tangle with the protesters out front. After the aggressive confrontation and heavy media saturation of the event, Youcis was fired from her job selling pistachios for the Philadelphia Phillies. She has since then gone on the Alt Right blogosphere and Twitter to make appeals for donations since she now lacks an income to make her bills. Youcis had not hidden her face or name from the public, and so retribution from her employer was a matter of time. For others, they have worked hard to keep their images out of photos and hide information so as to avoid recognition.

Cooper Ward – Ghoul

The Daily Shoah has been the center of this effort, becoming a popular podcast that streams to thousands of listeners who tune in every week to hear their “Opie and Anthony for white nationalists” brand of angry racial epithets. The hosts Mike Enoch, Seventh Son, Ghoul, and, off and on, Bulbasaur, rant about weekly political issues, inventing their own racial slurs, talking about “Jewish domination,” and pining for a “white Ethnostate.” After Ghoul began doing a video series without a mask and publicizing his image, activists quickly identified him as Cooper Ward, a talkative philosophy student at the University of Nebraska. He was quickly identified as an organizer with the white nationalist American Vanguard, though he has denied this when questioned by It’s Going Down. After Red Ice Radio hosted a show with a “reactionary Jew” who was asking if fascist Jews could be a part of the Alt Right, something akin to a meltdown occurred on the Right Stuff message boards. The hosts of the Daily Shoah were accused of being Jews and homosexual sympathizers; funny since they have been some of the most virulently anti-Semitic and homophobic people imaginable.

Van Bryant II – Bubasaur

After some prodding on both sides, Bulbasaur and Seventh Son were doxed by their former fans, revealing them to be Van Bryant II and Jesse Craig Dunstan, respectively. While they have discussed the desire to go public for quite some time, the fact that this could have ramifications for their careers is something they could not abide. Enoch, their talkative leader, was a software developer making a six-figure salary in Manhattan, and he took special accommodations to avoid being identified in his personal life while skyrocketing to fame in the white nationalist circuit.

Just a few days later people started hearing rumblings that Enoch was about to be revealed after someone traced an article he mentioned on Red Ice Radio to a post on The Mises Institute website from years before, and then used an old PayPal address to find his real name: Mike Peinovich. The internet came apart at the seams at this point as Mike Peinovich was revealed to be one of the most well known white nationalists in the country. He was immediately fired from his job at the tech startup Pronoun, where he was a front-end developer. His family reportedly then disowned him, except for this wife.

It was at this point that the Peinovich saga took an even more bizarre turn as it was then revealed that his wife, Ames Friedman, a PR executive in New York, was Jewish. This made the neo-Nazi wing of the Alt Right lose their mind and declare that Enoch was a “Jewish spy,” and Enoch conceded that he had hid this. He went on Rebel Yell to apologize profusely for what he has done, and it was even suggested that he was leaving his wife. It does appear now that they will stay together, though he continues to believe that Jews are subversive agents out to destroy the white race. Without a job and having lost everything, Enoch is vowing to continue to push the Right Stuff and the Daily Shoah forward, though he has been “rent seeking” for money to pay his bills while he waits to start his media empire.

While these revelations are fresh, it is clear that the fallout has been dramatic, and several have started hiding from the limelight. First, Cooper Ward left The Daily Shoah, and later so did Van Bryant, also pulling all of his social media from the Internet. Jess Dunstan has not gone into complete hiding, and even put a song by his own band on a co-hosted episode of Fash the Nation, which many are interpreting to mean that he is comfortable with taking the next step into doing this work in real life. He later began saying his name on the air, refusing to hide like his “comrades” did. This is likely because he is self-employed, though the fallout is likely to continue in this regard.

The real results of this kind of revelation can be seen as newspapers arrived at the home of Colin Robertson, asking to speak with the man behind Millennial Woes. They were instead met with the police as Robertson cowered inside, refusing to allow the press to see his face. In a statement put up on his YouTube channel he said he had left the country and is being supported by a network of his supporters. His YouTube channel has become one of the dominant institutions on the Alt Right, with over five hundred videos and 23,000 subscribers. He put out a public statement saying that he has had to go into hiding in another country and that this may be the end of his anonymous career, one built on such a tenuous grasp on reality that he actually believed he could go under the radar while putting his face on camera.

The growth of the Alt Right has rested solely on the ability to have a voice while remaining anonymous. The Right Stuff, Millennial Woes, and more blogs and podcasts than we can count have been built on this principle, with podcasts like the Neoreaction Ascending the Tower or The Fatherland being open about what would happen if they were doxed. If their identities were revealed then lucrative careers would be shattered, marriages and families torn apart, and social outcast status imposed. Part of what has kept white nationalism to the fringes and the participation of only the edges of acceptable society is that there are consequences for participation, and this rash of Internet participation has tried to blow this open. Now, a series of doxings is closing this window back up.

Some on the Alt Right are trying to push back on this and create a network of support for those being revealed. Part of this is white nationalist attorney Kyle Bristow’s Foundation for the Marketplace of Ideas, an organization founded to “promote the United States Constitution and to oppose people who and organizations which strive to usurp the freedoms it guarantees.” Bristow, who gained much of his experience consulting National Alliance projects, hopes to fund those who are losing their careers for white nationalist participation, namely though some form of crowd funding.

What they want, more than anything, is to create negative consequences for those who do the doxing. They had a small victory when a Salon editor was fired after posting Richard Spencer’s address on Facebook with a line about how his grandparents “took baseball bats to Bund meetings.” While they thought this was a step in the right direction, as the punching of Richard Spencer shows clearly, the culture has shifted even further into an antifascist mindset. Trump’s election put a sense of urgency around a general disgust with the far right, and now more and more people are willing to stand up and take a militant approach to organizing. At the same time, even the centrist and moderate left public is unwilling to let the Alt Right pass in their midst, which means it is still just as toxic as it ever was to be an open white nationalist.

While the Alt Right wanted to create consequences for those doxing them, journalists are continuing to reveal their information. Fash the Nation, which was the most popular podcast in the Right Stuff podcast network, went off the air and took down its website when they got wind that they were about to be doxed. Their information will still likely come out shortly, and there is little they can do as their work has been mirrored all over the internet. At the same time, their toxic internal culture threatens to dox them daily, and there is little reason to believe that the structure of anonymity will continue more than a few more months. The Alt Right now has a choice: go big or go home. The answer for many of the middle class young adherents will be to choose a family and a career over a failed revolutionary tract.

The question will be if those that are going out in the open will find enough to sustain themselves, and most will quickly see that the future for people like Mike Peinovich are less than rosy. Few people can get the family and investment funds that Richard Spencer has achieved, and therefore life as an open racist is going to be difficult. For antifascists, it will be important to institutionalize this information as much as possible; to follow up when the information is revealed and make sure everyone in their life is aware. It will also mean replicating this over and over again, therefore robbing them of the sense that they can hold down a normal existence while actively contributing to that movement. It will also mean confronting their platform hosting, distribution companies, and financial tools to sever their access to the culture and their ability to raise funds. Without this, a life out of the closet is even less viable.

This end result was inevitable for a movement who never reconciled the fact that they went full fascist with ugly racism without developing a professional infrastructure. What the Daily Shoah did was create a fandom off of the most disgusting kinds of racist humor imaginable, all of which was not slow enough to bring the culture with it. This is to our benefit since we know that they lack the ability to propagandize society and since they couldn’t insulate their vanguard from consequences, they will lose them as well. All the pieces are here for antifascist organizations; all it requires now is to use them thoughtfully and effectively.

Montana Antifa Calls for Supporters to Contact Whitefish Hotels and Tell Them About Incoming Nazis

As incoming neo-Nazis organized by Andrew Anglin and the Daily Stormer promise to descend on Whitefish, Montana, Montana Antifa is one of the organizations creating the counter-demonstration.  While Love Lives Here has been doing the base-building work of organizing the community against the anti-Semitic and racist harassment they have endured for weeks, they are not going to engage with the skinheads and Alt Righters who are promising to march through the streets with automatic weapons.  Montana Antifa, among others, is taking up that role, and right now they are doing a blitz on regional Whitefish and Flathead Valley hotels to let them know that Nazis may be trying to book stays with them and that they should prohibit those groups from taking refuge in their facility.

In a recent statement from Montana Antifa:

IMMEDIATE ACTION. Read this carefully and closely: NO THREATS, NO HOSTILITY, AS OF RIGHT NOW NONE OF THESE HOTELS HAVE DONE ANY WRONG. We’re asking that you call into the hotels on this list and express these two concerns:

1.) Concern that the hotels would assist Nazi insurgents by sheltering them and allowing them a base from which to commit their evil acts.

2.) Concern for the safety of the hotel, hotel staff, and guests in light of armed thugs setting up a base of operations in the hotel intending to do harm to the community.

-There is a planned armed March by Neo-Nazis in Whitefish
-They are planning on bringing in a force of Neo-Nazi skinheads from California who are likely to be armed
-These are dangerous people intending to harm the neighboring communities in a public action with heavy media coverage.

-Threaten the hotel
-Insult the person answering the phone or the hotel
-Make ANY “or else” statements
-Harass the hotels
-Go off on a tirade
-Ask if they have Battletoads 2

Be respectful, respectable, and conduct yourselves smartly.



Super 8 Kalispell Glacier National Park
:(406) 755-1888

Econo Lodge Inn & Suites
:(406) 752-3467

Motel 6
:(406) 952-3206

The FairBridge Inn & Suites – Outlaw Convention Center
:(406) 755-6100

Travelodge Kalispell
(406) 755-6123

Kalispell Hilltop Inn
:(406) 755-4455

Americas Best Value Inn
:(406) 756-3222

Greenwood Village Inn and Suites
(406) 257-7719

Red Lion Hotel Kalispell
(406) 751-5050

Quality Inn
(406) 755-6700

La Quinta Inn & Suites Kalispell
(406) 257-5255

Kalispell Grand Hotel
:(406) 755-8100

Hampton Inn Kalispell
:(406) 755-7900

SpringHill Suites Kalispell
:(406) 314-6600

Holiday Inn Express & Suites Kalispell
:(406) 755-7405

Best Western Plus Flathead Lake Inn And Suites
:(406) 857-2400

Homewood Suites by Hilton Kalispell, MT
:(406) 755-8080

Hilton Garden Inn Kalispell
:(406) 756-4500

Glacier Ridge Suites
:(406) 752-4333

Colombia Falls: Meadow Lake Resort
Phone:(406) 892-8700

North Forty Resort
Phone:(406) 862-7740

Cedar Creek Lodge
(406) 897-7070

Glacier Inn Motel
:(406) 892-4341

The River Rock Hostel
:(406) 871-2161

Meadow Lake View
:(406) 892-0900

Western Inn and Campground
(406) 892-7686

Bad Rock Bed and Breakfast
(406) 892-2829

Glacier Mountain Lodge
:(406) 892-2661


They are also taking donations, and you can click here to support them!

Donate to Montana Antifa to Counter Protest the Nazis Coming to Whitefish

As we have been covering, the small resort town of Whitefish, Montana is under seige by Alt Right trolls after several of their residents decided they no longer wanted to deal with Richard Spencer and his family making money in their town.  The organization Love Lives Here, an affiliate of the Montana Human Rights Network, has been doing broad-based community organizing in the town.  This includes supporting the Jewish residents who have been specifically targeted for threats from the Daily Stormer and their friends by creating a system where by all residents of the town put “Menorah cards” in their window to show solidarity.  They have recently organized a large rally for diversity, showing that residents will be supporting each other and that the racialist narrative of the Alt Right has no draw in the town.

Love Lives Here will not be organizing the counter-demonstration to the Nazis who are planning on “marching against Jews” on January 15th, their strategy is to build the community base of support yet not to actually engage with the Nazis.  On the other side, Montana Antifa, based in the nearby Missoula, are planning on organizing the counter demonstration to show that Montanans are not going to sit back and let their towns be terrorized by armed skinheads.

Right now Montana Antifa are organizing a fundraiser to pay for the basic costs of having the counter-protest, including bussing in folks from surrounding towns that want to raise their voice against the hate.

Donate to the Montana Antifa Fundraiser Here to Stand Against the Nazis Coming to Whitefish, Montana


Why Did LGBTQ Nation Choose Milo Yiannopoulos for “Person of the Year?”

One of the most popular queer interest web publications out of the U.S., LGBTQ Nation, has just announced their “Person of the Year” award and it is sending many of their readers into a rage.  They conducted a reader poll to see what LGBTQ figure should be considered the “Person of the Year,” with people like Gavin Grimm, Ellen DeGeneres, Pat McCrory, and Eric Fanning being selections that a plurality that members voted for.  Out of the selections, though, Milo Yiannopoulos, the Alt Lite troll and enigmatic Islamophobe and racist, came in with70%, dramatically more than anyone else.


The instinct they are following through with this is the idea that Milo has broken through stereotypes since he is conservative, opposed to feminism, insulting to trans people, and generally breaking the idea that queer people lean progressive.  This is the agenda of more conservative queer organizations, to decouple queer oppression from solidarity with other marginalized people and to then celebrate queer celebrities no matter how disgusting they become.  Milo has been the most effective promoter of the Alt Right over the last year, a growth that people like Richard Spencer and Jared Taylor have used to take their white nationalist message to a larger, college-aged audience.

This news comes right after the announcement that Simon & Schuster has cut Milo a $250,000 advance for a book he is coming out with named Dangerous, named after his “Dangerous Faggot” tour on college campuses.  When people are arguing about the “normalization” of the Alt Right, Milo’s advancement may be the best example of this.

While Milo has backed away from the term Alt Right, he certainly championed it for quite some time, referring to himself as Alt Right, hanging out with Alt Right celebrities like Jack Donovan, and did the first large media story on the Alt Right at Breitbart where he celebrated their iconoclastic ideas.  The article at LGBTQ Nation had the Alt Right referenced in their first article then scrubbed it, instead putting a note at the bottom of the page defending Milo from his association.   This is a chance for them to “have their cake and eat it too,” to promote a diet version of white nationalism while also insulating themselves from the criticism.

This needs to not happen without a near revolt from their readership, since they claim to be the most read LGBTQ news source on the planet.  You can contact them to let them know your thoughts on this, but anti-fascists also need to keep up the pressure on Milo events and outlets that promote Milo, while also maintaining an intersectional analysis that Milo so desperately wants to destroy.


How Montana Anti-Racists Confronted the Alt Right and Neo-Nazis Plan to Terrorize Marginalized Residents In Revenge

The neo-Nazi wing of the Alt Right is planning for a small-town Kristallnacht in 2017.


How did we get here? It all derives from a privileged racist who wanted to ski in the most pristine part of the U.S. When enigmatic Alt Right founder Richard Spencer took over the National Policy Institute in 2010, he took the non-profit and reestablished it in the town of Whitefish, Montana. Whitefish, set in the gorgeous Flathead Valley, is a resort town in the shade of Glacier National Park and a number of high-priced, private ski resorts. His parents, who lived and worked in Dallas, Texas, made Whitefish their vacation home given their love for the slaloms. Richard’s father, a well-paid conservative Othmamologist and his mother, a Ron Paul supporter who did GOP fundraisers, did not want to make their presence in Whitefish a political one.

Richard Spencer’s Parents, Sherry Spencer and Dr. Rand Spencer.

And neither did Richard. Instead, he wanted to live in their $3 million dollar home and use their properties, one that his mother, Sherry Spencer, had purchased to make money renting to retail businesses and vacationers booking through Air BnB. Richard moved his new wife, the Russian photographer and Third Positionist Nina Kouprianova, and started his life in Whitefish. He rented an apartment in Arlington, Virginia for when he needed to do his conferences and network in Washington D.C., and the rest of the time he used a home office to write, edit his books, create podcasts, and so on. Only more recently did he rent out the office space in a strip mall in Whitefish, which likely lends to the complications that started to happen as his wife left him and things became strained with his parents.

Whitefish has not welcomed Richard, to say the least. After Richard harassed a GOP consultant on a chairlift at the expensive ski resort they are both members at, people in town finally had to reckon with the fact that one of the most well funded and loudest white nationalists in the country was sharing their supermarket. Later that year Spencer was banned from entering Hungary by Viktor Orban himself after he had organized a “pan-European” fascist conference with the support of the nationalist party Jobbik and featuring Russian New Rightist and Euraisianist Aleksandr Dugin. Spencer was detained and deported and the conference ended up being a failure, and when he was banned from entering the EU it was a low point for his movement (he was later banned from entering the UK as well).

When Spencer returned, the people of Whitefish had begun to organize with the local anti-racist/anti-fascist organization Love Lives Here, a member organization of the incredible Montana Human Rights Network (MHRN). The MHRN has been a leader of progressive organizing in rural parts of the country, especially by confronting the rise of the Patriot militias and those from the Northwest Imperative of the white nationalist movement who see the “Whitetopia” of Montana as a future “white homeland.” Love Lives Here organized to pass a resolution to stop white nationalist organizations from having conferences and essential operations in Whitefish, which ended up being curtailed in favor of a broader city council declaration of a commitment to diversity.

As Spencer began to gain a huge amount of celebrity in the wave of Trump and the Alt Right that defined 2016, Whitefish became increasingly uncomfortable with their most famous resident. They especially did not like that Sherry Spencer, who was becoming a wealthy property owner and businesswoman in the town, aided and abetted her son by giving him use of her properties (they shared an address at one point). While she said that she didn’t agree with his politics, she became the most essential piece in the Alt Right, allowing Spencer to grow the movement without being forced to think about finances.

Sherry Spencer’s building.

Love Lives Here began to push the issue with Sherry Spencer, stating that people in town did not appreciate her allowance of her son’s genocidal racist ideas. After the Atlantic video came forward showing Richard Spencer yelling “Hail Trump, Hail Our People, Hail Victory” and many NPI conference goers doing Roman Salutes, the town had enough. Sherry Spencer’s ownership of a new building at 22 Lupfer Avenue is what especially caused the controversy, and Tanya Gersh specifically helped to raise the profile of Sherry as profiting off of the town while giving support to her son’s organization. According to the Virginia’s state corporation commission, her property is still listed as the primary headquarters for the National Policy Institute.

People stopped wanting to do business with her and potential customers were let know about her connections, with Air BnB renters canceling their appointments. Sherry, facing the financial blowback, began considering selling the property, but then railed against Gersh and Love Lives Here saying that she was being extorted into selling the property. This only comes from the fact Gersh said she would list the property if Sherry wanted her to, and suggested she give a donation to the MHRN as a show of good faith. Sherry put together a post that outlined her side of the story, yet was mainly blanketing anti-racist groups and activists like Gersh as haters.

While Sherry battled with the community, the Alt Right took things to another level. Andrew Anglin of the Daily Stormer made Sherry’s situation his new pet cause, and did post upon post about the town, the people in it, and the anti-racist organizations. He then put in the information of local business owners and residents, including young children, putting the yellow Star of David with “Jude” in the middle on top of them, referencing the star that Jews were forced to wear as they were rushed to their death in cattle cars. Alt Right “shitlords” on social media began harassing the Jewish and other residents of Whitefish, calling in, spamming their businesses on Yelp, and creating such a climate of fear in which many were scared for their lives. It became so bad that town council people like Frank Sweeney spoke out against it, which was a strong move since Sweeney had consulted with the Southern Poverty Law Center back in 2014 about how to address the situation with Spencer during the first round. Later, even the Governor spoke out and had planned a visit to Whitefish to show support.

Love Lives Here began a broad-based solidarity project, where they arranged the handouts of “Menorah” cards so that people could put them in their window to show solidarity with the Jewish residents who were the victims of the vicious harassment. This show of support is one that unites the community softly; hoping to secure those bonds if the organization is to do even more involved organizing. The Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes also joined the admonishment of bigotry, and the entire state has come together in opposition to the Alt Right trolls who are trying to terrorize marginalized groups. This is what effective solidarity organizing looks like as it creates one community in opposition to the divisive nature of the far right, and it meant hat the Alt Right will have dramatically less pull in the state and the media.

The Daily Stormer then began a call to organize a march in Whitefish, one that is specifically meant to target the Jews of the city and calling them the financial and organizational infrastructure. This hails back to the Kristallnacht tragedy in Germany when the SS went and ransacked Jewish businesses, ramping up the cultural pogrom against Jews and blaming them nonsensically for the financial turmoil of the German country since the First World War. While this may seem extreme even for Anglin, he has made a name for the Daily Stormer by naming Trump opponents to kill and trying to get followers to create fake “black” accounts on Twitter to defame people of African origin.

Anglin’s march “against Jews, Jewish businesses and everyone who supports either” is set to happen on January 15th. Because of Montana’s liberal gun laws, they planned this to be an “armed march” to intimidate locals Jews and progressives, and he is planning to “bus in” skinheads from the Bay Area. This includes Goldenstate Skinheads (Goldenstate United), who were involved in the recent stabbing in Sacramento as well as in the early organizing of the American Freedom Party. This will also include members of the Traditionalist Workers Party, or its adjunct community organization the Traditionalist Youth Network, which often bridges the Blue Collar world of the KKK and skinheads with the Alt Right. This could also include members of Identity Europa, which has a heavy presence in the Bay Area of California.

In opposition, Love Lives Here and anti-racist are planning a January 7th celebration in favor of diversity, again rallying the community together with food, speakers, and music to create unity that will be necessary to combat the onslaught. While Andrew Anglin seems particularly set on bringing 200 armed racists to Whitefish to intimidate locals and possibly instigate bloody vengeance, Richard Spencer is actually saying that Anglin is just joking and that there will be no march.

All of this is bad news for Richard Spencer who has intimated recently that he might run for congress in Montana. As Love Lives Here and the MHRN is rally the community behind anti-racist values, it is unlikely that the majority of Montana is going to get behind armed neo-Nazis attacking Jews and Spencer’s insane bid for Washington. For anti-racists that want to support, it would be good to send money and make contact with Love Lives Here and stay prepared to hear news if the march actually takes place, and you can join in the organizing of counter-protest events.


In a master move, Love Lives Here is doing a fundraiser where you can donate a certain amount for every minute that the Nazis protest, so the longer they are there, the more money anti-hate groups will make.  You can commit to donate here.

The Complete Anti-Fascist Reading List

The term “fascism” has been thrown around left circles for decades as a proxy for authoritarianism, racism, or both. This inability to properly define and understand how fascist movements erupt and grow has created a deficit in organizing, and as we head into a Trump presidential administration and the massive growth of the Alt Right and white nationalism organizers across the left need the tools to break down these movements and how they work. There have been a lot of “reading lists” put out recently, so we thought we would compile one of our own that combines a whole number of threads that are important for understanding how fascism works. This includes detailed looks at the Alt Right, the more mainstream “Alt Lite,” the role of Neofolk and goth music, white nationalist organizing, the history of white nationalist violence, how the revival of scientific racism works, how anti-Semitism plays out, and all the other tentacles that make the intersectional beast of the new fascist movement.

This list of readings is far from complete, and this page is going to continue to be updated as we add new sections and flesh out the ones that are here. If you think there are some great ones that are missing, let us know, and also know that it is the writings, videos, and audio recordings below that make up a lot of the thinking that goes into this website. We have also angled the list below more in favor of newer articles as well as ones that are generally accessible(though there are a few academic ones dotted in there).


Alt Right


Alt Lite




White Nationalist Organizing




Scientific Racism


Defining Fascism


Queerness and Fascism


Esoteric Fascism


National Anarchism


Third Position


White Nationalist Violence


Conspiracy Theory


Militia Movement


Donald Trump and White Nationalism


Anti-Fascist Organizing

Congressional Candidate Paul Nehlen Goes on Fash the Nation

Recent congressional candidate Paul Nehlen, who unsuccessfully tried to unseat Paul Ryan on a recent run, has opened up about his Alt Right affiliation and racialist ideas.  He appeared on the most popular Alt Right podcast on the Right Stuff podcast network, Fash the Nation, to talk about these ideas.  This comes after doing a Reddit AMA where he again confirmed his Alt Right connections.

Ryan had pushed back on Nehlen’s racism in April when Nehlen went on a radio show to say that he would deport Muslims who are advocating for Shariah Law.   Nehlen has kept up his Islamophobia on his own website where he puts trollbait articles claiming that Muslims are responsible for just about every act of violent crime.  He went further to suggest that all Muslim mosques should be under observation to see if they are cultivating terrorists.

Nehlen had gone on Breitbart’s Steve Bannon’s Sirius XM satellite radio show, where they often discussed his battle against Paul Ryan.  This helps to cement Bannon’s relationship with the Alt Right, as well as Nehlen’s own appearance on the right.

Fash the Nation, which saw unprecedented popularity on SoundCloud before being banned, is one of the hardest edged podcast in white nationalism.  Often using racial slurs in their discussion of popular politics, its hosts make up a corner of the Right Stuff podcast network that are popularizing the Internet jargon of the Alt Right.  Nehlen’s interview was standard fair for the former politician, and Fash the Nation host Jazz Hands McFeels played a little softer than he normally does.  What this shows, more than anything, is that the crossover point between the Alt Right and Republican politics has grown, even though the Alt Right associations are becoming increasingly toxic.

Let’s Watch as the Alt Right Implodes

Get some popcorn, because its time to watch the Alt Right implode.

After what some are jokingly calling “Hailgate,” where participants at the recent Alt Right/white nationalist National Policy Institute conference “Seig Heiling” as Richard Spencer yelled “Hail Trump, Hail our people, Hail Victory,” the Alt Right has begun to break apart under pressure and internal dissent.  The Atlantic had been working on a documentary on Spencer for their website and were allowed in the hall even after the official press conference was ended, though they were asked to blur out the faces of conference goers who did not agree to be filmed.  They then saw Spencer give a deeply racist and anti-Semitic speech, after which several people rose up in “jubiliation” and shoved their hand forward in a Roman Salute, cementing the reality of their movement as one of Nazis and white supremacists.

Since then, the anger has ensued.  Andrew Anglin, the mentally disturbed Nazi who runs the Daily Stormer, was also a bit angry because their were a few Jews in the audience, one of which was photographed the day before giving the Nazi salute with Richard Spencer.

I’m not even against throwing up Roman salutes at these conferences, and in fact find it hilarious. What I am against is having a Jew Ratface (and an Asian pornstar) as the face of the face of neo-Nazism.

If Spencer is now going to be a representative of the neo-Nazi agenda, he needs to tighten-up his ship. The last thing we need is the world believing that neo-Nazis are just a bunch of kikes and gooks.

Alt Lite personality Mike Cernovich was less forgiving and declared that Richard Spencer was “controlled opposition” sent likely by the government to infiltrate and destroy the Alt Right.  He then suggested that Spencer would lead in ATF agents and that there will be arrests and Ruby Ridge style events.  Paul Joseph Watson of Infowars agreed with Cernovich, basically saying that this is the end of the Alt Right since “radicals” like Spencer are ruining it for everyone else and continued to revel in conspiracies.  Vox Day, the Alt Right game designer and writer behind the Sad Puppies phenomenon at the Hugo Awards, also spoke out, decrying Spencer for what happened at the conference.

Video blogger and former NPI and American Renaissance conference speaker RamZPaul said that Spencer destroyed the image of the Alt Right with this behavior and he is now refusing to use the term to describe himself, instead now referring to himself as a “man of the right.”

Picking up on a long feud between the two, Greg Johnson of the Alt Right/white nationalist publishing house and blog Counter Currents did an essay and audio post stating that Spencer has destroyed the “Alt Right” brand.

Spencer has damaged the Alt Right brand — perhaps irreparably — by associating it with Nazism. The Alternative Right began as a particular brand, the name of Spencer’s webzine. But it quickly became a generic umbrella term encompassing a range of different alternatives to mainstream Republicans and conservatives.

But from its start, the Alternative Right webzine was an entryist tool for White Nationalists. It was a platform for outreach and conversion of people who are closer to the mainstream. It created a safe space where “normie” conservatives could encounter human biodiversity, ethnic nationalism, the Jewish question, paleomasculinity, etc. without having to adopt stigmatizing labels like “Nazism.” But after Spencer’s NPI speech, there is good reason to think that will no longer work.

Peter Brimelow, who spoke at the conference and has helped Spencer a great deal with the recent attention the Alt Right has received, also thought that it was “juvenile bravado” and refused to support the behavior.  F Roger Devlin, fellow speaker and often race realist and MRA writer, agreed with Brimelow and denounced the Nazi behavior.  Fellow speaker Matt Tait joined them and thought it was “undoing what is good about the Alt Right.”  Colin Liddell, the editor at the New Alternative Right and Richard Spencer’s former podcast co-host, agreed with Matt Tait and was not a fan of Spencer’s behavior.

This rejection of Spencer inside of the Alt Right happened at the same time as the media set him up for roasting as dozens of stories exposed him for what he is: a fascist.  Major news outlets around the country qualified him for exactly what he is, and he is now being refused the ability to lie about his perspective.  We continue to use the term Alt Right, but we qualify it as fascist and white supremacist, something that Spencer did not want.  This NPI behavior has now severed his ability to set the media’s agenda, which caused him to throw a tantrum.  He went on NewsOne to try and defend himself, and after he was unable he then took to insulting and insulting the host.  This has become his go-to since he is unable to maintain the appearance of respectability he desperately hoped for.

On Spencer’s side has been the Right Stuff and the Daily Shoah, where they basically ran extended spots on Mike Cernovich, calling him a cuck, a liar, and everything else.  Mike Enoch declared their former friend Vox Day persona non grata, and there has begun a war inside of their camp virulently attacking each other.  The cohesion of their movement is beginning to fall apart, and as the Trump camp continues to try and distance themselves from them they are losing everything else they had.

Richard Spencer did a recent video for Radix Journal where he basically admitted that Trump is not turning out the way that he wanted.  He is giving in to Neoconservative foreign policy, he is basically “maintaining the swamp” by empowering wealthy elites and lobbyists, and backseating all of his “reformist policies.”

What this needs on the anti-fascist end is to continue to put heavy pressure on every element of this movement, confronting them wherever they crop up and continuing to expose and marginalize their voices.  They were confronted very heavily at NPI, which inspired weeks of whining from them, and now they are threatening revenge.  We need to continue to build numbers and movements that have the ability to shut out fascist voices and defend communities, and bring safety and solidarity back into our multicultural neighborhoods.  Their movement is one of racial hate and violence, ours is to continue the egalitarian project of building a new world.