Scott Morrison keeps ABA, Anna Bligh in the headlines

Treasurer Scott Morrison took to talkback radio to deny that he'd cancelled meetings with the CEOs of the big four banks.
Treasurer Scott Morrison took to talkback radio to deny that he'd cancelled meetings with the CEOs of the big four banks. Andrew Meares

Back to the reaction in Canberra to the news Anna Bligh is to helm the Australian Bankers' Association.

Treasurer Scott Morrison took to talkback radio on Monday morning, denying to 2GB host Ray Hadley that he'd cancelled meetings with the chief executives of the big four banks. "That's not true, I mean I had no scheduled meetings with the banks at all. I don't know where that came from, I mean, it was written by a gossip columnist for The Fin Review." When he puts it like that, our vocation does sound rather pitiful …

But we never said that ScoMo had done so – we said his staff had cancelled meetings with the banks, which they absolutely did. Morrison promised that "I will continue to deal with the ABA professionally, as I always have regardless of who's in that job". Yet in his Friday fury, the Treasurer personally and categorically fumed by phone to the industry's leadership that he wouldn't deal with Bligh.

Speaking of staff cancelling meetings, ScoMo's director of communications and strategy, Sasha Grebe, left the Treasurer's employ some time on Sunday. Proving beyond all reasonable doubt that we made all of this up, right?

NAB CEO Andrew Thorburn Thorburn is currently chairing the Australian Bankers' Association on rotation.
NAB CEO Andrew Thorburn Thorburn is currently chairing the Australian Bankers' Association on rotation. Daniel Munoz

Bulging credibility

Would David Murray or David Morgan or John Macfarlane ever have appointed Morris Iemma or Peter Beattie as ABA chief under the nose of Peter Costello? Never, which tells you just how much credibility ScoMo has bulging from his knapsack.

None of this is to uncritically exonerate the bankers or their choice of Bligh, a premier who privatised Queensland's railways and secured massive LNG investment but blew out the state budget on services spending. There is no doubt the ABA – and really that means chairman Andrew Thorburn, chief executive of the bank with the most lamentable contemporary record in external affairs management – could've handled this so much better. How out of character! If the absolute baseline for the big four is avoiding a royal commission, then far more critical than Morrison's or Malcolm Turnbull's or Bill Shorten's view on Bligh is the opinion of two parliamentarians within whose power it is to make or break such an extraordinary inquisition: George Christensen downstairs (threatening to cross the floor and vote for Labor's RC while being paid to whip votes for the Nationals) and Pauline Hanson upstairs. Here's Bligh in 2009: "I certainly wouldn't want to see any return of the political philosophy of One Nation. I think it's important for people to remember the terrible damage [Hanson] did to our reputation as a country."

We're guessing headhunter Heidrick & Struggles didn't slip that quote into Thorburn's briefing note. Yet still, he hired them.