Apple dashes Trump hopes of products being built in the US

The news will come as a blow to President Trump, who said on the campaign trail that he would "get Apple to build their ...
The news will come as a blow to President Trump, who said on the campaign trail that he would "get Apple to build their damn computers and things in this country instead of in other countries". Ryan Stuart
by Cara McGoogan

Apple has quashed Donald Trump's hopes that it would build its products in the US, saying it would give the extra money earned from relaxed tax laws to shareholders rather than investing in manufacturing at home. 

President Trump has promised to lower repatriation taxes, which take a large chunk out of companies' earnings when they try to move cash from abroad back to their home country. 

This move could benefit Apple, which holds more than 90 per cent of its vast $US237 billion ($308 billion) cash pile overseas. 

However, Luca Maestri, Apple's chief financial officer, indicated that shareholders would stand to benefit, rather than manufacturers. 

The news will come as a blow to President Trump, who said on the campaign trail that he would "get Apple to build their damn computers and things in this country instead of in other countries". 

One of Mr Trump's reasons for lowering taxes is to create more jobs in the US.

But, speaking at a Goldman Sachs investor conference, Mr Maestri said the rule changes would give Apple "additional flexibility around our capital return activities".

He dismissed the feasibility of building products such as the iPhone in America because of the lack of components. "Essentially, the supply chain for the tech industry is not in the US today," he said. 

As most of its cash is held abroad, Apple currently uses debt to pay shareholders.

So far, it has paid $US200 billion in dividends and share buybacks. It said it would use the extra cash to pay more money to shareholders and speed up this process. 

Mr Trump's tax reform proposals also include the controversial "border adjustment system", which would see all imports to the US subject to tax, with export revenues exempted.

Apple criticised the proposals, against which European Union lawyers are preparing to mount a legal challenge.   

"It is very hard for us to imagine that a border tax would be good for the US economy," Mr Maestri told the Financial Times.

"It is a tax that would end up burdening the end consumer. It presupposes an idea that the dollar would have to appreciate very significantly from where it is today, which is already too strong." 

To avoid losing out if the border adjustment plan goes ahead, Apple could manufacture more products in the US.

But Mr Maestri gave no indication that this would happen, saying it is "very, very difficult to speculate at this point" on the policies. 

"One of the points that we are making in Washington is the fact that we have been a very large contributor to the US economy during the last decade," said Mr Maestri. "It's important to keep that in mind." 

Apple did, however, mull the possibility of manufacturing in the US soon after Mr Trump was elected.

The company reportedly asked its two manufacturers Foxconn and Pegatron to assess the cost of US assembly. It is not clear if it has ruled the possibility out because of prohibitive expenses. 

The Telegraph, London