Hologram start-up 8i scores $35.2m from global VCs including OneVentures

Inside hologram start-up 8i's studio, with the firm due to launch an app this year.
Inside hologram start-up 8i's studio, with the firm due to launch an app this year.

New Zealand-based holographic technology start-up 8i has closed a $US27 million ($35.2 million) investment from major global venture capital firms, including Australia's OneVentures.

The start-up will launch an app this year to let consumers make holograms of celebrities and fictional characters and have them projected into the real world.

The company was only founded in May 2014, but has already raised a total of $53.4 million.

The fresh round of capital, which was led by Time Warner Investments and also had participation from Baidu Ventures, Hearst Ventures, Verizon Ventures, and Carsten Maschmeyer's Seed and Speed Ventures, will be used to complete beta testing of its Holo app and then launch it globally this year.

An impression of what 8i's Holo app could do.
An impression of what 8i's Holo app could do.

Chief operations officer Toni Moyes told The Australian Financial Review the app is expected to have strong initial uptake in the US and across Asia. He said 8i's core technology for creating holographic human content had already been used in several business applications, including entertainment, training and marketing.

"We see Holo as a two-sided marketplace for holograms. For consumers, Holo provides a fun way to express themselves by creating and sharing a new type of content with holograms of their favourite celebrities, bands and characters," she said.

"For businesses, or more specifically for influencers across entertainment, music and sports, Holo provides a new way for them to engage their Gen Z audiences and drive user generated content around their brand."

Hologram usage

Holograms are yet to become a mainstream feature of conferences and events, but they have been slowly becoming more common.

In 2015 Stephen Hawking appeared at the Sydney Opera House via hologram (at his request) and later that year actor Kevin Spacey also appeared at the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia national conference in Brisbane.

Another New Zealand start-up, Point Zero, has also been investing in the technology and has developed the world's first interactive and customisable hologram.

8i was founded by computer vision scientist Eugene d'Eon, who had worked on The Hobbit and Rise of the Planet of the Apes movies, and entrepreneur Linc Gasking, who had previously founded CountingDown.com, which was acquired by Pop.com in 2000.

The founders met at a dinner organised in Wellington for tech entrepreneurs and decided to join forces after discovering a shared vision of a new era driven by 3D media.

Ms Moyes, who was a senior adviser on strategic policy in New Zealand's Ministry for Business Innovation and Employment, became involved in the business shortly after the founders met and helped with the formation of the company in its early stages, before joining full-time when it launched in May 2014.

Testing numbers under wraps

The Holo app is currently in early beta on the Lenovo Phab2 Pro smartphone and the company would not release beta testing user numbers.

It also refused to detail how it planned to generate revenue from the app, just saying it was considering a number of potential business models.

When it launches this year it will be available on smartphones and mobile devices with Google's augmented reality computing platform Tango. It also plans to make it available on devices without Tango, but it would not reveal which types.

Apple and Samsung smartphones do not currently have Tango, meaning owners could miss out on Holo, unless 8i extends the app to the Android and iOS operating systems. Very few phones currently have the Tango AR platform.

At this stage only Phab2 Pro and the upcoming ASUS ZenFone AR will have the platform, with these phones expected to be joined by other Lenovo devices and a Huawei offering in the near future.

Ms Moyes said that in order to raise this round of capital, it had to be capable of demonstrating that 8i was the "category leader internationally... building a globally recognised team and developing valuable commercial applications".

"At the heart of it you're asking people to believe in your vision and that you have the team to do it."