The global mega investor set to revolutionise executive salaries debate

Norwegian Finance Minister Siv Jensen says the  government is releasing a white paper on how to proceed with the ...
Norwegian Finance Minister Siv Jensen says the government is releasing a white paper on how to proceed with the sovereign wealth fund. LUKE MACGREGOR

Norway's centre right government is poised to announce in the next few weeks a significant increase in the equity portfolio of the country's $1 trillion sovereign wealth fund.

This will have far-reaching impacts beyond expanding the financial reach of the trillion dollar fund, which already owns about 1.3 per cent of global equities in 9000 companies outside Norway.

This is because Norway – following on from its move a couple of years ago to direct the fund not to invest in coal – is also framing guidelines for corporate governance of the companies in which it invests, guidelines that will stretch to the issue of executive remuneration.

The sheer size of the fund means it is now often the largest investor in many companies and, according to Trond Grand, the deputy chief executive of the fund's management arm Norges Bank Investment Management, that obliges the fund to shift from the role of passive to active investor. NBIM is an arm of the country's central bank, Norges Bank.

The combination of the decision to significantly increase the proportion of the fund that can be invested in equities, and the new guidelines, means the fund is likely to become a major force in the global debate about executive remuneration, corporate transparency and ethical investment.

Chasing returns

Mr Grande has told The Australian Financial Review the decision on an increased proportion of equities – which is made by the parliament rather than fund managers – is not an exercise in chasing returns, despite the fact that a global economy awash with cash has resulted in the fund trimming its forecast returns in the medium term, putting out of reach its targeted annual return in recent years of 4 per cent.

"It's a question about risk appetite rather than chasing yield," he says.

The fund does not invest in unlisted infrastructure, because it is seen as too vulnerable to political risks. But an examination has been underway to consider ways of mitigating such risks, which could clear the way for investment in the future.

The fund consists of 60 per cent equities, 35-40 per cent fixed-income securities and up to 5 per cent real estate.

Expert panels, and Norges Bank, have given the government their recommendations on increasing the equity share of the portfolio.

The country's central bank recommended in December that the share should be lifted to 75 per cent, while an expert commission reported a month earlier it should be 70 per cent.

Equity allocation

The Norges Bank advice was based on its forecasts of an expected average annual real return on a portfolio with 40 per cent bonds and 60 per cent equities of 2.1 per cent over 10 years and 2.6 per cent over 30 years.

If the equity allocation is increased to 75 per cent, the expected average annual real return over 10 years increases to 2.5 per cent and to 3.5 per cent over 30 years.

It argues that the expected volatility of a portfolio comprising 75 per cent equities and 25 per cent bonds "is currently lower than it was reasonable to assume in 2006" when the 60 per cent figure was originally set.

While such a decision may be the subject of bitter debate and oppositionist political tactics in Australia, politicians in the multi-party Norwegian parliament all recognise that this is a decision that particularly requires political consensus so there is no investor uncertainty, or sudden changes of direction in the fund's activities caused by political interference.

Finance Minister Siv Jensen says the government will release a white paper to the parliament on how it proposes to proceed with the fund, given the changes in the global economy.

The 4 per cent return is intimately linked to the government's budget because of a fiscal rule that says the government cannot draw down more than 4 per cent from the fund to support the budget in any one year.

Despite a sharp slowdown in the Norwegian economy linked to slumping oil prices, the government has not yet drawn down an amount as high as 4 per cent. But there are warnings from organisations such as the OECD that the 4 per cent rule may still be overly expansionary.

"This is an important decision and needs an approach of political consensus," Jensen has told the Australian Financial Review.

"These are turbulent times and there are always risks in stock markets".

In a typically pragmatic Norwegian way, Jensen notes that "if an incident was going to happen, that would also mean a political risk for the government of the day, so we'll all agree on the need for consensus".

Trond Grande, meantime, notes that the growth in the fund means that in many of the companies it is one of the largest shareholders.

Fiduciary duty in such circumstances means those shareholdings just can't be passively owned.

He says NBIM's approach to companies is to see them as professionally in the same boat as the fund itself, with boards assessing the best investment decisions for their shareholders. It seeks to work co-operatively with its portfolio companies while making clear the expectations it has of them for transparency, governance and returns.

The fund's approach to responsible investment is divided into three main pillars: standard setting, ownership and risk monitoring.

In addition, the Ministry of Finance has included ethical guidelines on issues such as like climate change, and against investments in coal, tobacco and some forms of munitions.

As part of its focus on responsible investment, the fund managers are formulating position papers on different issues

Good corporate governance, Grande says, is absolutely essential to performance, with the role of boards, and particularly the segregation of duties between the chair and the chief executive, being crucial.

A position paper discussing executive remuneration is also under way.

Establishing rules that can be universally applied to companies around the globe, of course, has its challenges.

"We try to be predictable and principles-based since the rules need to apply to all 9000 companies," Grande says.

It means "trying not to dictate or impose Norwegian values but support and work with international standards as a global investor", he says.

Standards such as listing requirements and the OECD and G20's profit-shifting regimes are things that are most likely to be enforced.

"We don't want to be messing with one country's or company's rules but, as an investor, we want transparency.

"Transparency is the key."

Laura Tingle travelled to Norway with the assistance of the Norwegian government.