Carnegie Wave Energy in $13m acquisition of microgrid developer Energy Made Clean

Carnegie Wave Energy managing director Michael Ottaviano,  director and shareholder Michael Fitzpatrick and EMC managing ...
Carnegie Wave Energy managing director Michael Ottaviano, director and shareholder Michael Fitzpatrick and EMC managing director John Davidson. Supplied

Carnegie Wave Energy is poised to become the only ASX-listed company with the capability to deliver renewable energy microgrids after inking a $13 million deal to acquire private developer Energy Made Clean.

The deal, to be announced on Wednesday, will see Carnegie invest $2.6 million in cash and $10.4 million in stock to acquire the remaining 65 per cent of EMC it does not already own.

Linking the businesses would help Carnegie tap into the burgeoning market for microgrids, a combination of several renewable energy sources with storage and a control system, either connected to or separate from the main power grid.

Carnegie managing director Michael Ottaviano said the global microgrid market was "conservatively" forecast to increase in value from about $US9.8 billion ($12.8 billion) in 2013 to about $US40 billion by 2020.

"This is a hugely growing market space and it probably hasn't penetrated down to your average investor but certainly islands are really coming up to speed with it, as are remote communities and also utilities, which are seeking to understand it because they see it both as an opportunity and a threat," Mr Ottaviano said.

"I think the investment community are about to wake up to the microgrid space and for Carnegie to have the only offering in the listed space I think will be really attractive for investors."

World first

The deal would merge the CETO wave-energy technology Carnegie has developed with EMC's experience delivering commercial-scale solar projects and microgrids, presenting the ability for Carnegie to offer a world-first wave, solar and battery integrated microgrid.

The Perth-based company revealed last month it had secured the funding needed to start constructing such a project on Western Australia's Garden Island before the end of the year.

As well as targeting supplying the self-sufficient technology to remote island nations, Mr Ottaviano said there was enormous potential for EMC's predominantly West Australian-focused business to be expanded to target communities on the fringes of power grids throughout the country.

"They haven't begun to scratch the surface on the east coast where this is hugely applicable in regional Australia and for me, a big part of the solution to South Australia's energy is microgrids," he said.

"If there is one sure-fire way to make a grid more resilient, it is not to build another transmission line it is to put some embedded generation at the end of that transmission line."

Alliance agreement

The acquisition, which has to be approved by Carnegie shareholders, would deliver EMC founder and managing director John Davidson a 13 per cent stake in the company, making him the company's largest shareholder ahead of AFL Commission chairman Mike Fitzpatrick.

Mr Davidson, who would join the Carnegie board as an executive director, said through the deal EMC could "grow larger [and] more quickly".

The $10.4 million of Carnegie shares being used as part-payment will be held in an escrow arrangement, preventing 50 per cent of them being sold for two years and the remaining 50 per cent for 12 months.

The deal comes after Carnegie took an initial 35 per cent stake in EMC in March and the companies signed an alliance agreement and began working together on a wave-integrated micro-grid in Mauritius.

Mr Ottaviano said the acquisition of the remaining 65 per cent stake would also deliver Carnegie an alternative revenue stream from EMC which more than trebled revenues to $16 million last financial year.