Tasmanian power crisis: Turnbull stumps up for study of $1bn duplicate cable

The tear in the 12-centimetre-thick  Basslink cable that has sent Tasmania into an electricity emergency.
The tear in the 12-centimetre-thick Basslink cable that has sent Tasmania into an electricity emergency. Supplied
by Ben Potter

Tasmania's unprecedented power crisis has prompted the Turnbull government and the Tasmanian government to back a feasibility study into a $1 billion duplicate high voltage cable to the mainland's reliable coal fired power.

The island state is suffering electricity shortages because the existing Basslink cable was cut on December 20 at the same time as Hydro Tasmania's dams fell to record low levels because of a severe drought and heavy winter sales to the mainland.

The study will be undertaken by former Howard government minister Warwick Smith and the Clean Energy Finance Corporation with a preliminary report due in June, about when Basslink is expected to be back in service after six months of exploratory work and repairs.

Major industrial firms including Rio Tinto's Bell Bay Aluminium, South32's Temco manganese smelter and Norske Skog's newsprint mill have shed about 100 megawatts of capacity between them at Hydro Tasmania's request to ease the supply squeeze.

Hydro Tasmania's once overflowing dams have been reduced by drought to a fraction of their capacity
Hydro Tasmania's once overflowing dams have been reduced by drought to a fraction of their capacity

Hydro Tasmania has had to re-open idled gas turbines and import 200 megawatts of diesel generators at an upfront cost of $44 million and a running cost of $22 million at full tilt.

The extra cost has pushed average Tasmanian power prices to more than $100 a megawatt hour above the typical mainland price. Energy consultant Paul McArdle of Global-Roam estimates the crisis will cost the tiny Tasmanian economy about $400 million by the time it is resolved. Sources close to Hydro put the cost at $150 million to $200 million.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said he was confident the $1 billion project would be commercially viable with private sector support because a second cable would offer opportunities to sell hydro and wind power to the mainland on a much larger scale.

"This has the potential to be a very big, significant, economic investment, and a big economic opportunity for Tasmania," he said.

Mr Turnbull – in campaigning mode for the election expected on July 2 after announcing $50 billion of submarines will be built in economically struggling Adelaide on Tuesday – and Tasmanian Premier Will Hodgman announced the feasibility study in Hobart on Thursday.

Tasmania prides itself on its clean and green hydro and wind power but the Basslink outage has exposed its dependence on Victoria's heavily polluting brown coal power stations when the dams are too low to generate electricity.