Will JBish pull a Downer and cop a visit from The Don?

JBish gets the Veep treatment - but will she cop a visit from The Don?
JBish gets the Veep treatment - but will she cop a visit from The Don? Yuri Gripas

All eyes will be on our globetrotting foreign minister, Julie Bishop Thursday as she continues her charm offensive in Washington, seeking to shore up relations between our nations, soured by the now infamous phone call/international incident between PM Turnbull and The Human Combover, Donald Trump.

Bishop met with US Veep, Mike Pence Wednesday and is expected to sit down with US Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson Thursday, but the big question mark hanging over the visit is whether The Don himself might drop in and grace The Bish with his presence.

Experienced observers of these things recall when Alexander Downer was foreign minister he went to DC to visit his counterpart and the White House arranged for POTUS to drop into the meeting, to send a message at that time that the US-Australian alliance was still all-important.

Just imagine The Don's small talk? "I love Australian women! Do you know Jennifer Hawkins? Beautiful girl. Extraordinary pins. Yours aren't too bad either. Great chat."