A New Year’s Update on Antifascist Prisoners

13669088_1009082462538060_5988014648065168917_n12017 promises to be a busy year for antifascists around the world. We will continue the fight against fascism and the far right, and oppose—in every way possible—their relentless campaigns of bigotry against refugees and immigrants, Muslims, Jews, LGBTQ, and people of color. The new year seems like a good time to remind everyone of the many antifascist prisoners around the world, not simply because solidarity is the cornerstone of our various movements, but because it may very well be any one of us behind bars.

Since our last update in July, many more antifascists are in need of solidarity. Maxim Yahnieshka from Belarus was arrested in 2015 after being hospitalized by right-wing hooligans and was recently sentenced to three years in prison. In Sweden, some of the Kungsan 15 have begun serving their sentences, ranging 4-12 months, for an enormous demonstration against a neo-nazi Swedish political party in 2014. Olle Smedberg is one on those who would like to receive letters from the public. We are also overjoyed that two antifascists, Dzmitry Stsyashenka from Belarus, and Michelle Smith from England, were released in November 2016 and could ring in the new year with their friends and family.

Please do not wait for July 25th, the International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners, to show your solidarity with these new prisoners, or those who have been on the Global Antifa Prisoner List since the beginning. A card or letter is an easy way to support comrades who are separated from us by concrete blocks and steel bars. To show how much your solidarity matters, please see the letter below, sent to NYC Anarchist Black Cross by antifa prisoner, Alexey Sutuga, after their #J25 event last year. Help us make sure that 2017 really lives up to slogan, “They are in there for us, and we are out here for them!”

Until all are free!


During the week of solidarity with international antifa prisoners, NYC ABC sent a card to Alexey Sutuga, a Russian antifascist, who wrote back. The note says: “Hello My Friends, I received your letter of solidarity. Before this, I received another one last fall. I was very glad. I didn’t expect that you would be interested in my fate. Although it really couldn’t be any other way for either of us. We’re all united, and that is one thing we have in common no matter where we live. I don’t know many people from the US. (But a big hello to Freddy from Madball NYC). This is why it’s so good that I have new friends. I’ll be happy to stay in touch. Best of luck with everything. Stay strong, brothers, and take care of yourselves.”


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