Anton Kulakov

Full stack Javascript developer

awesome-service-workers - :nut_and_bolt: A collection of awesome resources for learning Service Workers

feathers-sendgrid - Sendgrid service for Feathers

feathers-mailgun - A Feathers service for Mailgun

feathers-localstorage - A client side service based on feathers-memory that persists to LocalStorage

feathers-batch - Batch multiple Feathers service calls into one

feathers-rethinkdb - A Feathers service adapter for RethinkDB.

feathers-service-tests - A test harness for Feathers service implementations

feathers-mongodb - A mongodb service for feathers

feathers-nedb - A service using an embedded datastore for node.js

feathers-knex - Service adapters for KnexJS a query builder for PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle and SQLite3

feathers-sequelize - A Feathers service adapter for the Sequelize ORM. Supporting MySQL, MariaDB, Postgres, SQLite, and SQL Server

feathers-mongoose - Easily create a Mongoose Service for Feathersjs.

feathers-hooks - Before and after service method call hooks for easy authorization and processing

supermarked - marked with syntax highlighting and LaTeX maths support

somata-node - Framework for building microservices with Node.js

seneca - A client library for accessing Seneca micro services from Go

consul - Consul is a tool for service discovery, monitoring and configuration.