Bluescope Steel's Paul O'Malley has a three-step map for power security

Paul O'Malley has a simple plan to fix Australia's energy markets.
Paul O'Malley has a simple plan to fix Australia's energy markets. Wayne Taylor

Having reconstructed BlueScope Steel to live longer and more prosperously, Paul O'Malley has been driven by the evolving "catastrophe" that is the national energy market to work up a plan for reform that will recover Australia's standing as a home of supply security.

BlueScope's managing director has made a bit of an art of reducing the very complex to digestible simplicity. Reform of the energy market proves no exception to this emerging rule. Everything falls into place once you step back from the chaos and recover the priorities of the market and enforce the disciplines those fundamentals demand.

The backdrop here, of course, is that electricity markets across four states have reached a rare point of collective and individual instability while major gas users continue to report difficulty securing term supply contracts beyond 2018, let alone replace supply at a price aligned with long-term historic trends.

So O'Malley's starting point is simple. "Without energy security jobs are going to leave the country in big droves," he told an investor call on Monday.

"If we don't address security and affordability today, it will be very difficult for business in Australia to maintain is cost competitiveness," he told an earlier media briefing.

"If there is gas in Australia and we say it can go overseas, and we don't have any base load generation, I think we are going to have an energy catastrophe," he said.

With security of supply the starting point, O'Malley offers a three-step solution to the numbing complications that have rent the national electricity market so suddenly unreliable. His answer is built on ensuring that the market operator actively discriminates in sourcing power rather than continuing with the technology agnostic platform that currently acquires power for each of the state-based networks.

Finding a way forward

Step one of the O'Malley plan would be to establish minimum base load energy generation target for each of the sub-markets of the national market. The result would be that, for example, South Australia would be required to describe the minimum base load required to support itself and then to ensure that there is conventional generation enough available to meet that demand. The result would be that there was base load enough available either side of the inter-connectors that link the states' markets.

Step two would be to study the forward curves of availability and price for gas and coal to inform a decision on the most appropriate source of this minimum base load. "That would inform the mix of coal and gas plants," O'Malley said.

Step three would be to set one national renewable energy target. "There should be one, not seven," O'Malley said. "The target should be informed by the need to meet positions one and two," O'Malley said.

Implicit in that comment is a view that the current complexity of RETs are pursuing carbon ceilings without contemplating the risk that meeting them poses to energy security. O'Malley is no denier. He has long talked the need to price carbon to effect CO2 reduction. His is a voice of pragmatism.

That O'Malley's clear thinking on power arrived with yet another pitch for gas reservation does not devalue his contribution. From the moment the looming 2017-18 gas crisis became a possibility five years ago, we have consistently argued that there is no place for a WA-style reservation policy.

I have consistently argued that gas molecules should be allowed the find their highest value in use and the clearest signal to that is the price a customer is prepared to pay. I still believe that. But golly, the gas industry and various governments have made it pretty hard to stick to those free market guns.

Price signals of the magnitude being seen across the domestic gas industry right now are supposed to trigger supply-side responses. But for a multitude of reasons, from government indolence to oil price shocks, the gas industry has been dreadfully slow to translate theory into reality. It has simply failed to respond to the supply side crisis created by the $70 billion binge on Gladstone gas chillers. And I really do feel increasing sympathy for the O'Malley position.

In saying that too many LNG plants had been built, O'Malley is stating the obvious. There are two and maybe three trains too many up there. In saying "reservation" was a "dirty word" in Australian gas is, again, repeating the obvious. Forcing a domestic quota on gas suppliers would most likely result in lower domestic pricing and extended payback periods.

'Very little competition for supply'

But we have reached a point, according to O'Malley, where the "increasing cost to all businesses in Australia is actually not in the national interest". He is right to observe that most of the big gas suppliers that are capable of signing big, long-term contracts are the same companies that now own expensive export machinery that requires feeding.

"We are finding very little competition for supply when we go looking. We are not alone. All the major users are restricted in who they can deal with. Prices are very high. And there are some bigger users than us who cannot get secure gas beyond 2018," he told me.

"Price increases are running out of control because there is not a policy to ensure competitiveness of supply and competitiveness among suppliers," O'Malley said earlier. As a man who speaks for a whole lot of sunk capital, O'Malley understands the dilemma faced by those who, given the present oil price, have over-invested in Gladstone plant.

But the way he sees it, the time has come for a regime that actively balances the needs of the exporters with the needs of domestic customers.

The state of energy markets is not the only structural problem O'Malley called out on a day that was, otherwise a numerical celebration of a decade of reformation.

O'Malley indicated that there was a growing and sometimes quite material bottleneck in Australian logistics with growing demand to move things not being met by capacity. Right across the supply chain, from trucks, trains and certainly ships, there is not enough capacity the meet suddenly buoyant demand.

The point of dysfunction there is the MUA rule. Governments past have reinforced rules that mean domestic manufacturers have to use domestic shipping to carry goods from one domestic coastal port to another. That cannot be done competitively, so it is not done very much. That pushes more freight onto roads and trains. Allowing international ships to carry domestic freight as they circle Australia would contribute much to relief of that pressure.

Ruling out speculation

Just finally, it is not often you get managing directors talking publicly about what they are not going to do. But Monday bought O'Malley the opportunity to rule out quite a lot of speculation and fantasy.

The first of the no go zones is the currently destitute South Australian long products maker Arrium.

"Arrium a really tough one," he said. "There is a legacy, there are a lot of friendships involved and there has been some expectation that we can solve the problems. We have had to be very diligent in making sure we did the right thing, but we have to do the right for our shareholders, we are focused on what we can do with our business."

The next thing that isn't going to happen is anything like a major expansion of the cash machine that is the now 100 per cent owned North Star steel mill.

Two years ago BlueScope stumped up with $US720 million to acquire the half of North Star it didn't own. That deal, which challenging coincided with BlueScope seeing indulgence from governments and workers to save the Port Kembla steelworks, was wholly debt funded. Almost immediately US and regional steel markets turned a corner and spreads recovered to better historical trends. The debt has now pretty been paid down and there is pretty good reason to maintain that, presently, there is more upside risk to the US steel market than there is downside.

In the past, the folk at North Star have come shopping for expansion capital. But BlueScope management remains content to harvest what it has rather that risk over-extending.

"A major capacity increase at North Star is not going to happen," O'Malley said. The risk of over-extension lay in the need to secure more raw materials (North Star is a massively impressive scrap converter) and new customers. Instead North Star will grow through low-cost productivity gains that improve its return on capital without adding any risk.

That is how you maximise your ability to surf the market's peaks and the ability to stay afloat during the troughs. And BlueScope's interim result stands perfect testimony to that that management philosophy in impressive action.