
Four Things You Should Know About Immigration Raids

Almost 700 undocumented people have been detained over the past few days between workplace and neighborhood raids in at least 11 states. As we figure out how to resist Trump’s regime of terror, here are four important things to keep in mind:


Oklahoma Lawmaker Considers Pregnant People “Hosts” in Anti-Abortion Bill

In this week’s edition of cringy, oppressive legislation, Oklahoma lawmakers have introduced a bill which would require pregnant people to obtain written permission from the father of the fetus in order to receive an abortion.

In this week’s edition of cringy, oppressive legislation, Oklahoma lawmakers have introduced a bill which would require pregnant people to obtain written permission from the father of the fetus in order to receive an abortion.


The paradoxical reason Trump’s terrible pick for labor secretary had to withdraw

Ed. note: This post has been updated to reflect Pudzer’s withdrawal as Trump’s labor secretary pick. 

Welcome to the nightmare in which “secretary for labor” means “but actually, secretary for management.” Starring player: Andew Puzder.

Ed. note: This post has been updated to reflect Pudzer’s withdrawal as Trump’s labor secretary pick. 

Welcome to the nightmare in which “secretary for labor” means “but actually, secretary for management.” Starring player: Andew ...

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