- published: 12 Jan 2016
- views: 13400862
Unknown or The Unknown may refer to:
David Wark, (February 19, 1804 – August 20, 1905) Irish-born, was a prominent Canadian Senator who served nearly 38 years in office.
He represented Kent County in the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick from 1843 to 1850. Wark was named to the Legislative Council in 1850 and served until Confederation. He served in the province's Executive Council as a minister without portfolio from 1858 to 1862 and as Receiver General from 1866 to 1867.
Wark was named Senator by a Royal Proclamation in 1867. Known as the "Grand Old Man of the Canadian Senate", Wark served until his death at the age of 101. At the time of his demise, Wark was the longest lived legislator in the world; he was later surpassed by another Canadian Senator, Georges-Casimir Dessaulles, who died in 1930 at the age of 102.
David Llewelyn Wark "D. W." Griffith (January 22, 1875 – July 23, 1948), the "Inventor of Hollywood", was an American film director who pioneered modern film-making techniques. He is mostly remembered for the groundbreaking 1915 film The Birth of a Nation, as well as its sequel Intolerance (1916). He is closely associated with his frequent leading lady, Lillian Gish.
Griffith began making short films in 1908, and released his first feature, Judith of Bethulia, in 1913. His film The Birth of a Nation made pioneering use of advanced camera and narrative techniques, and its immense popularity set the stage for the dominance of the feature-length film in the United States. Since its release, the film has been highly controversial for its negative depiction of African Americans and glorification of the Ku Klux Klan. Today it is both lionized for its radical technique and condemned for its racist philosophy. Filmed at a cost of $110,000, it returned millions of dollars in profits, making it, perhaps, the most profitable film of all time, although a full accounting has never been made. The film was subject to boycotts by the NAACP and, after screenings of the film had caused riots at several theaters, the film was censored in many cities, including New York City. Intolerance, his next important film, was, in part, an answer to his critics.
手嶌葵/明日への手紙『いつかこの恋を思い出してきっと泣いてしまう』主題歌(Full Cover by コバソロ & 安果音)
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Intolerancia - David Wark Griffith (1916)
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Intolerancia - David Wark Griffith (1916) con subtítulos. B/N Silente. Intolerance - David Wark Griffith (1916) with subtitles. B&W; Silent. La magnífica obra Intolerancia, del gran pionero D. Wark Griffith, versión de 2h 56min. Más información sobre esta magna obra en: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intolerancia_(pel%C3%ADcula) http://www.imdb.es/title/tt0006864/ Comentarios en: http://sofiaenelcine.blogspot.com/2012/04/intolerancia-david-wark-griffith-1916.html More info about the movie: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intolerance_(film) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0006864/ http://www.wikipedia.org/ Herramienta utilizada para los subtítulos/Tool for editing the subtitles: Subtitle Edit 3.2.3, build 26710 http://www.nikse.dk Antolín Martínez A. Febrero 2012. http://sites.google.com/site/...
3265 most frequent spanish words with sound, randomly presented. Based on the book "Frecuencias del español" (ISBN 84-7991-171-9): http://www.um.es/grupos/grupo-lacell/publicaciones/dos.php *** NEW *** 2015-12-09 - Translations as subtitles! Turn on the captions by clicking the CC button and then choose your language in the video settings menu. More than 35 languages available! == FR == 3265 mots le plus fréquents en espagnol avec leur prononciation respective, présentés aléatoirement. __________ Have you found this video helpful? Any comment or suggestion is welcome! List of words used: http://pastebin.com/7DEz7vT9 Video created using python + moviepy