- published: 04 Jul 2014
- views: 16546
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Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare early in his career about two young star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately reconcile their feuding families. It was among Shakespeare's most popular plays during his lifetime and, along with Hamlet, is one of his most frequently performed plays. Today, the title characters are regarded as archetypal young lovers.
Romeo and Juliet belongs to a tradition of tragic romances stretching back to antiquity. The plot is based on an Italian tale translated into verse as The Tragical History of Romeus and Juliet by Arthur Brooke in 1562, and retold in prose in Palace of Pleasure by William Painter in 1567. Shakespeare borrowed heavily from both, but expanded the plot by developing a number of supporting characters, particularly Mercutio and Paris. Believed to have been written between 1591 and 1595, the play was first published in a quarto version in 1597. The text of the first quarto version was of poor quality, however, and later editions corrected the text to conform more closely with Shakespeare's original.
『RO69JACK 2014』入賞。 http://jack.ro69.jp/contests/jack2014/artists/30374 作詞&作曲は全て、幡野が担当している。他のメンバー全員、彼の持つ才能を支持し、 the unknown forecastの世界観を創り上げる。 幡野の書く独特の世界観の歌詞に、一気に惹き込む彼しか表現できない歌声に、 メロディアスかつエネルギッシュなサウンドで、the unknown forecastの世界観を確立する。 2012年9月第4回閃光ライオットファイナル出場。 『RO69JACK』 http://jack.ro69.jp/ 『ROCK IN JAPAN 2014』 http://rijfes.jp/
http://beperiod.com/en/videos/consciousness/ - In this tutorial, we will begin by defining consciousness, because it can mean many different things in many different teachings. Then, we will examine how consciousness is portrayed visually in a Buddhist teaching: the story of the life of Prince Siddhartha. We will then use that story to formulate the three parameters by which consciousness is measured: Frequency, Duration, and Depth. And we will end the tutorial by setting an exercise that will help us increase the frequency of our consciousness.
The author's unique work makes the words of Jesus sound as a whole living Teaching open to the human mind: http://jesusteach.com The best ideas and words pronounced by Jesus, for the first time ever, have been collected from the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Tradition, put together and arranged in a logical order. The least faithful of you are those, who pray more than others and think that for that reason there will be more bestowed on them than on others. For they don't acknowledge what they believe in, as if beggars, fit for nothing other than praying for fulfillment of their desires. What are you pestering God for? Or do you think He was wrong providing you with what you have, and you want to teach Him how to put this wrong right? Hence your God is unwise. Why do you call Him God then...
The all of Pashupatinath,Nepal (57min) ネパールの火葬場パシュパティナートのすべて・Mar.2015 カトマンズにあるシヴァ神を祭るネパール最大のヒンドゥー教寺院。シヴァが滞在したとの言い伝えのあるこの地は、はるか1500年以上も昔から巡礼の地となっており、インド大陸四大シヴァ寺院の一つにも数えられ、ヒンドゥー教が国教であるネパールでは最高の聖なる地である。 寺が面しているバグマティ川には、隣接した火葬台を複数備える火葬場があり、灰は川に流される。バグマティ川は、ヒンズーの聖地である、インドのバラーナシを流れるガンジス河に通ずる支流にあたるため、ここのガートで荼毘に付せば母なる大河ガンガーへと戻ってゆくと考えられている。ゆえに、遺灰をこの川に流すのがネパールのヒンズー教徒の願望である。バグマティ川の中では火葬が行われている脇で身体を清める者もあれば、洗濯をする女の姿も見受けられる。位の高いものほど上流の火葬台で焼かれる。バグマティ川に架かる橋上は、火葬の最高の見物ポイントになっている。 パシュパティナート寺院はヒンズー教徒以外は立ち入れないが、火葬場は入場料を払えば誰でも入れる。終日立ち込めるカトマンズの霧は火葬場の煙であるとさえ言われている。魂が天上へ帰る場所にふさわしく、すぐそばの丘に登れば7000m級のアンナプルナをはじめとするヒマラヤ山脈がはるかに聳え立つ。 History The temple was erected anew in the 15th century by Lichhavi King Shupuspa after the previous building had been consumed by termites.[6] Countless further temples have been ere...
Momento de Reflexão A COMUNHÃO DOS SANTOS Caríssimos irmãos: No Credo nós rezamos: "Creio na Comunhão dos Santos". Que quer dizer isto? Num sentido mais amplo, a Igreja compreende nesta Comunhão não só os fiéis que vivem na terra, mas também as almas do Purgatório e as que reinam no Céu. Nós participamos dos méritos dos santos e dos fiéis de todo o mundo e podemos sufragar as almas do Purgatório (caridade excelente e vantajosa para nós) pelo Sacrifício da Missa, pelas nossas orações, esmolas e boas obras e pela aplicação das indulgências: é o que se chama: Comunhão dos Santos. Quer dizer que quanto mais os homens se santificam, mais nos enriquecemos pelos méritos deles e de todos os santos. Esta verdade é fácil de ser compreendida: numa família, todos os membros trabalham pelo mesm...
REPARAR O CORAÇÃO DE JESUS A REPARAÇÃO Caríssimos Irmãos: Certamente ouvimos muitas vezes dizer que devemos REPARAR o Sagrado Coração de Jesus. Perguntemo-nos: -Que se entende por REPARAÇÃO? Reparar é recompensar, é restituir, é reconstruir. Reconstruir o que o pecado desfez, o que a mesquinhez impediu, o que o egoísmo aniquilou. Restituir a Deus o respeito e a submissão que se Lhe nega, a glória que se Lhe rouba. Compensar o mal com o bem, a indiferença com a dedicação, a tibieza com a generosidade, o ódio com o amor. - Porque devemos reparar? Porque somos pessoalmente pecadores. Porque fazemos parte duma grande família, que é a Humanidade: solidários no mal, como no bem. Porque a Comunhão dos Santos nos torna, em certo modo, responsáveis dos nossos irmãos. Sendo nós membros do cor...
チャリティチャンネルpartners4japanに登録しよう! http://www.youtube.com/partners4japan 急で申し訳ないのですが、渋谷ハチ公付近にて是非皆で被災地の方々に向けた応援メッセージのビデオを作りましょう! 詳細はコチラ *東京生まれ、東京育ちの方へ* 日時→2011年3月22日(火)17時〜 場所→東京、渋谷のハチ公付近にて 内容→とりあえず皆で応援しましょう、そして歴史に残るチャリティビデオを作りましょう! 見つけ方→当日も、今回のビデオで着用したシャツを着ていますので一目で分かる筈! 合い言葉→「蕎麦かうどん、どちらが好きですか?」 *ドンマイ、そんなアナタへ* もしも当日、お仕事もしくは集合場所に行くのが不可能な方はビデオレスポンスにてあなたの応援メッセージビデオをお待ちしております!今回の地震で何を感じたか、何をしなければいけないのか、などあなたが思った事であれば何でも構いません。後はあなたが「今までの人生で聞いた一番ポジティブな言葉」を教えて下さい! *それでも混乱しているアナタへ* 当日の質問等はコチラにてお願い致します。 Facebook (フェイスブック) http://www.facebook.com/pages/ARI-OR-ALI/181585518544059 Twitter(ツイッター) http://twitter.com/ARIORALI *最後に一言* このビデオを見て下さった方、どなたにでも構いませんので拡散宜しくお願い致します。 僕一人では何一つ力になる事は出来ません。皆さんの力で今回の悲劇を立て直していきましょう、宜しくお願い致します。 ARI? OR ALI? とりあえずビログしてみた http://www.youtube....
Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Romeo and Juliet free audiobook at Librivox: http://librivox.org/romeo-and-juliet-version-2-by-william-shakespeare/ Romeo and Juliet free eBook at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1513 Romeo and Juliet at Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romeo_and_Juliet View a list of all our videobooks: http://www.ccprose.com/booklist