- published: 05 Nov 2015
- views: 1299
Leo Kanner (pronounced "Kahner"; June 13, 1894 – April 3, 1981) was an Austrian-American psychiatrist and physician known for his work related to autism. In 1943, Kanner published a landmark paper, "Autistic Disturbances of Affective Contact" describing 11 children who were highly intelligent but displayed "a powerful desire for aloneness" and "an obsessive insistence on persistent sameness". He later names their condition "early infantile autism." This is now known as autism. Because of this he is referred as the "father of child psychiatry". He is considered to be one of the most influential American clinical psychiatrists of the 20th century.
Kanner was born in 1894 in the small town of Klekotów, Austro-Hungary (nowadays Ukraine). In this area the proportion of people of Jewish descent was about 70% of the total population. His parents were Jewish and he received both a religious as well as a secular education. Kanner spent the first years of his life in Klekotów with his family and was brought up according to Jewish tradition and custom. As a young boy he moved to Berlin in 1906 to live with his uncle. Kanner passed his final examinations from Sophien Gymnasium and decided to go to medical school.
Loos may refer to:
Mer or MER may refer to:
In a religious context, sin is the act of violating God's will. Sin can also be viewed as anything that violates the ideal relationship between an individual and God; or as any diversion from the perceived ideal order for human living. To sin has been defined as "to miss the mark".
The word derives from "Old English syn(n), for original *sunjō... The stem may be related to that of Latin sons, sont-is guilty. In Old English there are examples of the original general sense, ‘offence, wrong-doing, misdeed'". The Biblical terms translated from New Testament Greek (αμαρτία - amartia) and from Hebrew as "sin" or "syn" originate in archery and literally refer to missing the "gold" at the centre of a target, but hitting the target, i.e. error. (Archers call not hitting the target at all a "miss".)
In the Bahá'í Faith, humans are considered naturally good (perfect), fundamentally spiritual beings. Human beings were created because of God's immeasurable love. However, the Bahá'í teachings compare the human heart to a mirror, which, if turned away from the light of the sun (i.e. God), is incapable of receiving God's love.
Unknown or The Unknown may refer to:
Steve Silberman: NeuroTribes 02- Asperger and Kanner (2 of 9) Steve describes the lost work of Hans Asperger and the Children’s Clinic in Vienna. And takes a long look at the work of Leo Kanner and how it influenced the way society views autism. Steve Silberman in conversation with Dan Swearingen On October 17, 2015, Steve Silberman, author of NYT bestseller, NeuroTribes: the Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity visited Autistry Studios to speak about his experience writing the book and the information he uncovered which is rocking the autism world. In the nearly 2 hour interview and question session, Steve discusses the work of Hans Asperger, Leo Kanner, Lorna Wing and other influential professionals. He also goes into detail about his refutation of the current belief ...
http://www.learning-together.info/ http://www.facebook.com/LearningTogetherLimited Leo Kanner
#COMPARTIMOS2014 El calendario Solidario "COMPARTIMOS 2014", es una iniciativa desarrollada en el Colegio con los alumnos/as del mismo y personalidades del mundo de la cultura, el espectáculo y la moda.(Pablo Puyol, Nacho Aguayo, Veónica Forqué, Beatriz Rico, Javivi, Millán Salcedo, Rafael Amargo, Jorge Fernandez, Las Virtudes, Octavi Pujades, Diana Navarro y Mariano Venancio) La recaudación de la venta de los mismos, que podrán adquirirse en la sede de la Asociación, en el Centro Leo Kanner y a través de la web (www.leokanner-apna.es), estarán destinados a la creación del Laboratorio de Nuevas Tecnologías para personas con autismo ROSA VENTOSO. Muchas gracias a todo el equipo técnico con el que ha sido un placer trabajar. Javi Malo (www.javiermalo.es), Raquel Cebas (www.raquelcebas.com...
Steve Silbermans: NeuroTribes 07 – Questions – 2 (7 of 9) Topics include: Surprises while researching, Is there a new book in works, and Is the rate of autism really not going up? Steve Silberman in conversation with Dan Swearingen Steve Silberman, author of NYT bestseller, NeuroTribes: the Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity visited Autistry Studios to speak about his experience writing the book and the information he uncovered which is rocking the autism world. In the nearly 2 hour interview and question session, Steve discusses the work of Hans Asperger, Leo Kanner, Lorna Wing and other influential professionals. He also goes into detail about his refutation of the current belief that autism is a new phenomenon and is rising at the rate of a tsunami. Autistry Studio...
Steve Silbermans: NeuroTribes 09 – Questions – 4 (9 of 9) Topics include: Autism and empathy, Person First Language, “high functioning vs low functioning”, and the future of neurodiversity. Steve Silberman in conversation with Dan Swearingen Steve Silberman, author of NYT bestseller, NeuroTribes: the Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity visited Autistry Studios to speak about his experience writing the book and the information he uncovered which is rocking the autism world. In the nearly 2 hour interview and question session, Steve discusses the work of Hans Asperger, Leo Kanner, Lorna Wing and other influential professionals. He also goes into detail about his refutation of the current belief that autism is a new phenomenon and is rising at the rate of a tsunami. Autis...
Steve Silberman: NeuroTribes 03- Where were they? (3 of 9) Steve talks about the hidden autistics – those individuals misdiagnosed in past generations. And goes on to discuss the role of psychiatry in defining autism. Steve Silberman in conversation with Dan Swearingen Steve Silberman, author of NYT bestseller, NeuroTribes: the Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity visited Autistry Studios to speak about his experience writing the book and the information he uncovered which is rocking the autism world. In the nearly 2 hour interview and question session, Steve discusses the work of Hans Asperger, Leo Kanner, Lorna Wing and other influential professionals. He also goes into detail about his refutation of the current belief that autism is a new phenomenon and is rising at ...
Talked to C about grandma knowing a lot about history and asked him if he had any questions for grandma...TODAY I WOULD LIKE TO ASK YOU ABOUT THE EVACUATION IN THE WAR. (C was finding it difficult to finish off the words but showed he wanted to carry on). G talked about what happened. HOW OLD WERE YOU? 9. To try and keep the conversation going Sue asked some questions about what G had talked about. What was in the box? A GAS MASK. You had to carry a gas mask at....ALL TIMES. HOW DID YOU FEEL? WHY DID YOUR PARENTS COME? C wanted to finish .. Did you want to ask your grandma more qus? Y Okay so you could think of some qu's now and then we could as her to come up, or she could come up now ? TELL NAN TO COME UP NOW (she was having lunch so came up ten mins later) THANK YOU LOVELY GRANDMA F...
Steve Silberman: NeuroTribes 06 – Questions – 1 (6 of 9) Topics include: Temple Grandin, Aspie as an identity, and ABA. Steve Silberman in conversation with Dan Swearingen Steve Silberman, author of NYT bestseller, NeuroTribes: the Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity visited Autistry Studios to speak about his experience writing the book and the information he uncovered which is rocking the autism world. In the nearly 2 hour interview and question session, Steve discusses the work of Hans Asperger, Leo Kanner, Lorna Wing and other influential professionals. He also goes into detail about his refutation of the current belief that autism is a new phenomenon and is rising at the rate of a tsunami. Autistry Studios http://www.Autistry.com
Steve Silberman: NeuroTribes 05 – Myths and Cures (5 of 9) Dan asks Steve about the myriad ‘cures’ that parents and professionals promote. And they discuss the 4 largest myths about autism – including “We are just over-diagnosing quirky kids.” Steve Silberman in conversation with Dan Swearingen Steve Silberman, author of NYT bestseller, NeuroTribes: the Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity visited Autistry Studios to speak about his experience writing the book and the information he uncovered which is rocking the autism world. In the nearly 2 hour interview and question session, Steve discusses the work of Hans Asperger, Leo Kanner, Lorna Wing and other influential professionals. He also goes into detail about his refutation of the current belief that autism is a new phe...
Heii! Teen siis enne kooli veel ühe väikese loosi :) (TEGU ON ESIMESE LOOSIGA MU KANALI!!!) Likege kui tahate veel mu kanalil loose näha :) Osalemiseks: 1.) SUBSCRIBEge mu kanalit :) 2.) Kommenteerige alla kommentaaridesse, et milliseid videosid tahate see sügis minu kanalil näha :) LOOSIMINE LÄHEB LUKKU 31. AUGUSTIL! STALKIGE: Instagram: @melanilindeberg Snapchat: Melanike (üritan snappi tihedamini kasutada, niiet tasub mind addida seal :D ) Sauuuu
After weeks of preparation the French and British Armies unleash a new offensive on the Western Front. Not only is it supposed to relieve pressure on the Russians on the Eastern Front but the Entente wants to achieve the decisive breakthrough. The French actually break through German trenches only to realise that they have a second line of trenches completely in tact right behind the first line. The British attack at Loos also turns into carnage even though the British use gas for the first time. » HOW CAN I SUPPORT YOUR CHANNEL? You can support us by sharing our videos with your friends and spreading the word about our work.You can also support us financially on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thegreatwar Patreon is a platform for creators like us, that enables us to get monthly fina...
was originaly posted by LolCaff. who originaly made this i don't know. i reposted it because the original got taken down and i thought this was to awsome of an amv to be deleted. enjoy =D
DOWNLOAD:http://funkfodastico.net/site/musicas/download/vai-vendo.mp3 PAGINA- http://www.facebook.com/tomproducoesvideoclipes Contato para vídeo Tom Produções: ID: 13*671862 Direção: Tom Produções SIGA-ME NO TWITTER http://twitter.com/#!/djtomproducoes Baixe os melhores MP3 de FUNK aqui!!! www.funkfodastico.net
Ce lundi matin, un enfant d'à peine deux ans est mort en chutant d'un appartement à Loos. Le petit garçon aurait escaladé une fenêtre de l'appartement avant de tomber du 13ème étage. Les secours n'ont pas pu le réanimer. Retrouvez les informations du Nord-Pas-de-Calais sur Wéo dans leur intégralité : http://bit.ly/fnDHY6
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Se détendre... Bruit de la mer, plage paradisiaque et le chant des oiseaux. Bruit des vagues pour la relaxation et la méditation. Calme bruit de la mer, bruit de la nature douce... zen. plage et Musique Relaxante: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mg05pw-3tow Playlist Musique Relaxante: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKxspWK8-EBAG02ZcuFVMnDzyEbmPXyvI
Se détendre avec la vidéo, le son et la musique relaxante de la nature. L'océan, bruit des vagues et des mouettes - vidéo et musique relaxante. Meditation et Detente. Relax, yoga et la paix avec la vidéo et le son de la mer et les vagues Son de l'Océan, Musique Relaxante, bruit de la mer, bruit vagues, Meditation, Detente,Relax, yoga,Musique d'Ambiance,Musique Zen,rassurer
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Calm bruit de la mer et des mouettes avec vidéo HD dans une plage tropicale calme et idyllique. Bruit des vagues et le soleil, son de la plage pour se détendre et dourmir avec sons de la nature. Playlist se détendre: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKxspWK8-EBAG02ZcuFVMnDzyEbmPXyvI
Le Gta aquatique!
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