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The Free Dictionary

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Friday, January 27, 2017
Idiom of the Day: a hot hand

A continuous period of great success, luck, or fortune; a winning streak.

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Last night, Jim had a hot hand at the casino.
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The Free Dictionary

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Thursday, January 26, 2017
Word of The Day: dullard

Definition: (noun) A person regarded as mentally dull.

Synonyms: dolt, pillock, poor fish, pudding head.

Usage: David was always a quiet, orderly boy and for a long time was thought by the people of Winesburg to be something of a dullard.

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Posts: 19060. Neurons: 57183. Location: Inside Farlex computers. dullard (noun) A person regarded as mentally dull. Synonyms: dolt, pillock, poor fish, pudding head. Usage: David was always a quiet, orderly boy and for a long time was thought by the people of Winesburg to be something of a dullard.
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The young rebellious generation often thinks of the older generation as dullards. 
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The Free Dictionary

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Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Idiom of the Day: horse-trade

To negotiate, trade, or bargain in a shrewd, judicious manner. Primarily heard in US. Read more:
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Often in parliamentary democracies, after an election when no single party gets a majority to form a government, a lot of political horse-trading takes place when the parties try to form a government.
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The Free Dictionary

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Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Word of The Day: haberdasher

Definition: (noun) A dealer in men's furnishings.

Synonyms: clothier.

Usage: The young boy excitedly entered the haberdasher's shop, ready to purchase his first suit.

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After receiving his first salary as a computer programmer, the fellow entered the haberdasher's shop to purchase some dashing outfit.
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The Free Dictionary

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Monday, January 23, 2017
Idiom of the Day: honey-mouthed

Smooth, soothing, and sweet in voice, especially in a persuasive or seductive manner or intent.

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Marketing and insurance agents are often honey-mouthed towards potential clients.
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The Free Dictionary

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Sunday, January 22, 2017
Idiom of the Day: honey-do list

A list or collection of tasks or jobs one has been requested to perform or undertake, especially household duties or jobs, given to a person by his or her spouse or romantic partner.

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The properly carrying out of honey-do lists by both the partners in their married life do result in conjugal bliss.
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The Free Dictionary

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Friday, January 27, 2017
Word of The Day: cinematographer

Definition: (noun) A photographer who operates a movie camera.

Synonyms: cameraman.

Usage: The cinematographer won an award for his lush landscape shots, which captured the mood of the film.

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The cinematographer won an Oscar for his brilliant work on a musical.
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The Free Dictionary

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Thursday, January 26, 2017
Idiom of the Day: hot desking

The act or practice of sharing desks or workstations between employees in an office so as to cut down on the amount of office space required.
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Introverts often feel hot desking as uncomfortable, awkward and intrusive.
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The Free Dictionary

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Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Word of The Day: blacking

Definition: (noun) A preparation, such as a shoe or stove polish, that is used to impart a black color.

Synonyms: shoe polish.

Usage: I let a bottle of blacking fall over his new dress, and he flew at me sword in hand, so that I was obliged to make my escape.

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A blacking warehouse was an establishment manufacturing, packaging and distributing blacking, for cleaning boots and shoes. 
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The Free Dictionary

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Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Idiom of the Day: be honor-bound to do (something)

To be or feel obliged to do something because it is morally correct or required by one's sense of duty or integrity, even if one does not desire to do so. Primarily heard in US.

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The clerk of the reputed bank was honour-bound to report his manager's embezzlement of funds to the tax authorities.
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The Free Dictionary

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Monday, January 23, 2017
Word of The Day: apothegm

Definition: (noun) A terse, witty, instructive saying; a maxim.

Synonyms: aphorism.

Usage: One of the monks in the monastery collected apothegms and compiled a book of 500 wise maxims.

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Definition, Synonyms, Translations of apothegm by The Free Dictionary
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Apothegms often pack a punch in speeches and newspaper articles.
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The Free Dictionary

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Sunday, January 22, 2017
Word of The Day: homebody

Definition: (noun) One whose interests center on the home.

Synonyms: stay-at-home.

Usage: He was not merely a homebody, but a true agoraphobic who lived in fear of the outside world.

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Definition, Synonyms, Translations of homebody by The Free Dictionary
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Internet/web shopping, working from home via internet etc., have been great boons for homebodies.
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