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Word of the Day


Definition: (adjective) Showing the wearing effects of overwork or care or suffering.
Synonyms: careworn, drawn, raddled, worn
Usage: His face was ghastly pale; his chin had a brown cut on it—a cut half healed; his expression was haggard and drawn, as by intense suffering.
Article of the Day

The Father of the Yellow School Bus

In 1939, American educator Frank Cyr organized the first national standards conference for school transportation. One of the most memorable accomplishments of the conference was the selection of a highly visible, standardized color for school buses that would allow them to be easily identified by other motorists. The hue became known as "National School Bus Chrome," and Cyr was hailed as the "Father of the Yellow School Bus." According to Cyr, what was the main priority of conference attendees? More...
Daily Grammar Lesson

Personal Pronouns - Person

Grammatical person refers to the perspectives of the personal pronouns used to identify a person in speech and text (e.g. first, second, and third person). What is the generic "you," and when is it used? More...
Idiom of the Day

by hell or high water

By any means necessary; regardless of any difficulty, problem, or obstacle. More...

This Day in History

First Issue of The New Yorker Is Published (1925)

The New Yorker is an American magazine known for its sophisticated tone, liberal political perspective, varied literary fare, and witty single-panel cartoons. It was founded by journalist Harold Ross, who aimed to create a sophisticated, metropolitan magazine—in contrast to publications such as Life, which he saw as unrefined. Now one of the most respected publications in the US, The New Yorker is recognized for its strict style and high-quality content. Who is its mascot? More...
Today's Birthday

Anaïs Nin (1903)

Born in France to a Spanish father and French-Dutch mother, Nin began her literary career in Paris in the 1930s but did not receive widespread recognition until the 60s. Frequently moving between France and the US, Nin was influenced by psychoanalysis and Surrealism. Her intensely personal diaries were the basis for many of her novels and stories, which are noted for their poetic style and searching portraits of women. She was also known for her relationship with which well-known author? More...
Today's Holiday

Lemon Festival (La Fête du Citron) (2017)

Since the 1930s the town of Menton, France, has celebrated its annual Lemon Festival. Festival organizers expect about 300,000 people to visit the town during the festival in order to enjoy the parades—featuring larger-than-life-sized figurines made entirely of citrus fruit, a specialty of the region—and other activities. Performances of local folk music and dance also take place during the festival. In addition, visitors may stroll by scenes from famous stories reconstructed out of citrus fruits and displayed in one of the city's parks. More...
Quote of the Day
I have often thought what a melancholy world this would be without children, and what an inhuman world without the aged.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Grammar Quiz
Word Trivia

Today's topic: knight

esquire - At its root, it means "shield bearer (in service to a knight)," from Latin scutarius. More...

forget-me-nots - May have gotten their name from the last words of a knight who drowned while trying to pick these flowers by a riverside. More...

heart on one's sleeve - Comes from chivalry, when a knight wore a scarf or other item from his lady tied to his sleeve. More...

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