Military architecture

Related to Military architecture: Military fortification
the art of fortifications.

See also: Architecture

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It played a critical role in the spread of Islam, and is of outstanding archaeological and historical interest for its domestic and military architecture.
It is considered by Unesco to be one of "the finest examples of late 13th century and early 14th century military architecture in Europe".
Their "self-reliance" is utterly compromised by their place in the US military architecture (a Japanese Prime Minister, Yukio Hatoyama, who wanted to remove a US base, for instance, was hounded out of office in 2010 by the US government).
Its reconstructed Roman buildings are among the best in Britain and include the imposing West Gate, which was rebuilt in 1986 to give visitors an idea of the size and scale of Roman military architecture.
The site s national historic significance stems from its defensive role during the War of 1812 and the type of military architecture, known as a blockhouse.
He also didn't want to spell out exactly what will come of Kend-all's efforts to sort out all the questions concerning how the military will proceed with integrating commercial satellites into the military architecture.
TCS is proud to work with leading system integrators to provide the best communications systems and services to be integrated within any military architecture and fielded as part of any deployment scenario in the world.
The castle was built as a protection for the city and is still a sample of ancient Yemeni military architecture.
Jesuits and fortifications; the contribution of the Jesuits to military architecture in the Baroque Age.
Standing guard over a strategic crossing point into Wales, this well-preserved Norman landmark was probably the first stone castle to be built in Britain and one of the few where you can trace the evolution of medieval military architecture from start to finish.
Contributors discuss such issues as epigraphy in domestic and religious architecture, employing early photographs as guides for modern restoration, and military architecture.
This trio of books celebrates the military architecture of the southern Indian subcontinent from the earliest era through the medieval and early modern periods, and follows up in book form several of the author's seminal articles from the 1990s.

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