(redirected from Military Amateur Radio System)
MARSMilitary Affiliate Radio System (USA)
MARSMonitoring, Analysis and Response System (Cisco)
MARSMortgage Assistance Relief Services (US FTC)
MARSMultiple Active Result Sets
MARSMulticast Address Resolution Server
MARSMajor Accident Reporting System
MARSMultivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (statistical method)
MarsMarsian (linguistics)
MARSMid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport (Wallops Island, Virginia)
MARSMars Arctic Research Station
MARSMonterey Accelerated Research System (Monterey Bay)
MaRSMedical and Related Sciences
MARSMachine-Assisted Reference Section
MARSMobile Autonomous Robot Software
MARSMobile Augmented Reality Systems
MARSMagenn Air Rotor System (wind turbine technology; Magenn Power Inc.)
MARSMonitoring Agriculture with Remote Sensing
MARSMolecular Adsorbents Recirculating System (medical device supporting liver function)
MARSMathematics Assessment Resource Service (UK)
MARSMilitary Afloat Reach and Sustainability
MARSMilitary Affiliate Radio Service (US DoD)
MARSMarine Animal Rescue Society
MARSMarine Accident Reporting Scheme
MARSMaritime Mobile Access and Retrieval System
MARSMilitary Amateur Radio System (common, but incorrect)
MARSMid-Atlantic Reptile Show
MARSMerrick Advanced Remote Sensing
MARSMiddleware And Related Services
MARSMetro Area Recumbent Society
MARSMichigan Assistance and Referral Service
MARSMilitary Armaments Research Syndicate (GI Joe: A Real American Hero toy)
MARSMobile Adjustable Ramp System
MARSManagement Analysis Reporting System
MARSMid-Atlantic Regional School of Professional Photography
MARSManatee Agricultural Reuse System (Florida, USA)
MARSMaintainable Real-Time System
MARSMedical Archival System
MARSMediation Arbitration Resolution Services
MARSMultiuser Archival and Retrieval System
MARSMission to America's Remarkable Students (STS101)
MARSMales Achieving Responsibility Successfully
MARSMongolian Amateur Radio Society
MARSMumbai Amateur Radio Society (Mumbai, India)
MARSMild Acute Respiratory Syndrome
MARSMaking All Recreation Safe
MARSMechanical Antireflection Switch
MARSMilwaukee Area Radio Stations
MARSModeling with Automated Regression Tools
MARSMultiple Artillery Rocket System
MARSMobile Aircrew Restraint System
MARSMedication Administration Record Sheet
MARSMirror Advanced Reactor Study
MARSMartial Arts Research Systems
MARSMaritime Surface and Subsurface (Canadian Navy)
MARSMario Andretti Racing School
MARSMaintenance And Repair System
MARSMultiple-band Avionics Radio Suite (US Army)
MARSMobile Analytical Response System
MARSMedical and Research Sciences
MARSMetro Atlanta Racing Society
MARSMemory-Aware Reference Stack
MARSMultiple-Address Radio System
MARSMembrane Anaerobic Reactor System
MARSManned Aerodynamic Reusable Spaceship
MARSMonitoring At-Risk Students
MARSManned Astronomical Research Station
MARSMobile Atlantic Range Station
MARSMulti-warfare Assessment and Research System
MARSMultifunction Acquisition and Reporting System
MARSModular Aircraft Refueling System (Commercial and Military Refueling System)
MARSMutual Aid and Resource Sharing (Canada firefighting)
MARSMulti-Arena Remote Simulator (Raytheon system to simulate message transmitter)
MARSMaterials At Risk Survey
MARSMulti-Level Analysis and Reduction Suite
MARSMultiple Application Reservoir Simulator
MARSMulti-warfare Analysis and Research System
MARSMicrosoft Access Reports Scheduler (Microsoft Windows application)
MARSMidair Retrieval System
MARSMobile Automatic Reporting System
MARSMicromachined Angular Rate Sensor
MARSMake A Radical Stand
MARSMerrimack Access to Records System
MARSMulti-parameter Arrhythmia Review Station
MARSManpower Access Report System (US Air Force)
MARSMarketing Accounting Reporting System
MARSMulti-warfare Assessment and Research Simulation
MARSMarine Amphibious Reconnaissance System
MARSMarketing Activity Reporting Systems (AMSEC)
MARSMicrocomputer-based Audit Retrieval System
MARSMicro-Dynamics' Archiving and Retrieval System
MARSMission Maintenance & Reliability Simulation
MARSMaterial Acquisition Resource
MARSMulti Arena Remote System
MARSMan-Hour Accounting & Reporting System
MARSMcGill Automated Registration Service
MARSMirror Advanced Reactor System (electron laser program at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
MARSManaged Asset Recovery Services (Crystal River, Florida)
MARSMorgantown Auto Repair Service (Morgantown, WV)
MARSMulticenter ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) Revision Study (est. 2006)
MARSMultiple Aircraft Ramp System (airports)
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