(redirected from Military Airlift Survivability Study)
MASSMassachusetts (old style)
MASSIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems
MASSMassachusetts Association of School Superintendents
MASSMarine Air Support Squadron
MASSMagic Angle Sample Spinning
MASSMathematics Advanced Study Semesters
MASSMobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems (IEEE conference)
MASSMesoscale Atmospheric Simulation System
MASSMichigan Agricultural Statistics Service
MASSMississippi Association of School Superintendents
MASSMulti-Agent Security and Survivability (IEEE Symposium)
MASSMichigan Aging Services System
MASSMass Area Superior Sampling Technology (NEC)
MASSMathématiques et Sciences Sociales (French: Mathematics and Social Sciences)
MASSModular Aerial Spray System
MASSMedio Ambiente, Salud y Seguridad (Spanish: Environment, Health and Safety)
MASSMobility Analysis Support System
MASSMilitary Airborne Surveillance System
MASSMichigan Association of Staffing Services
MASSMontana Association of School Superintendents (Helena, MT)
MASSMaintenance Automation System Software (FAA)
MASSMICAP Asset Sourcing System
MASSModular Aquatic Simulation System
MASSMaterial Accountability and Safeguards System (Los Alamos)
MASSModern Army Supply System
MASSMaritime Air Surface Surveillance
MASSMaritime Air Sea Surveillance
MASSMaritime Air Surveillance Support
MASSMicro Actuators, Sensors & Systems (Group)
MASSMilitary Airlift Survivability Study
MASSMOBCON Automated Support System
MASSMunicipality of Anchorage Standard Specification
MASSModern, Artistic, Structural, Sustainable (construction)
MASSModular Adaptive Signal Sorter
MASSMinimum Aircraft Systems Performance Specifications
MASSModular Acoustics Simulation System
MASSMedium Acquisition Sun Sensor
MASSMAGIC Automated Data Processing Support System
MASSMulti-Array Simulator/Stimulator
MASSModular Aircraft Support System
MASSMultiline Accuracy Support System (USPS)
MASSMulti Ammunition Softkill System (naval self-defence system; Rheinmetall; Germany)
MASSMassachusetts Anti-Slavery Society (est. 1835)
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