(redirected from Military Airlift Forces)
MAFMinistry of Agriculture and Forestry (New Zealand)
MAFMass Air Flow
MAFMove America Forward (Sacramento, CA)
MAFMorris Animal Foundation (Denver, CO)
MAFMillion Acre-Feet
MAFMinistry of Agriculture and Fisheries (New Zealand)
MAFMinor Allele Frequency
MAFMajid Al Futtaim (large group of UAE based companies)
MAFMarc-Andre Fleury (hockey player)
MAFManagement Accountability Framework (Canada)
MAFMichoud Assembly Facility (NASA)
MAFMaster Address File
MAFMarine Amphibious Force
MAFMinistry of Agriculture and Food
MAFMobility Air Forces
MAFMacrophage Activating Factor
MAFMissile Alert Facility
MAFMaintenance Action Form
MAFMobile Agent Facility (now called Mobile Agent System Interoperability Facilities)
MAFMinimum Audible Field
MAFMina Al Fahal (Oman port)
MAFMutuelle des Architectes Français Assurances (French: French Architects Mutual Insurance)
MAFManaged Add-in Framework
MAFMoisture and Ash Free (coal)
MAFMultiple-Access Forward
MAFManpower Authorization File
MAFMessage Acquisition and Formatting
MAFMechanically Attached Fitting
MAFManhour Availability Factor
MAFMiddle Age Friends
MAFMixed Amine Fuels
MAFMonthly Access Fee
MAFMaintenance & Administrative Facility
MAFMac Addict Forum
MAFMidland Air Field (former USAF base in Texas)
MAFMedia Authorization Form
MAFMosul Airfield (Iraq)
MAFMineral-Ash Free
MAFModified Academy of Fencing (New Jersey)
MAFMaster Ammunition File
MAFMedical Assisted Facility
MAFMajor Academic Field
MAFMicrowave Active Filters
MAFMidland/Odessa, TX, USA - Midland International Airport (Airport Code)
MAFMilitary Airlift Forces
MAFMinuteman Alert Facility
MAFMajor Accounts Facility
MAFMitigated Accident Frequency
MAFMunicipal Action Foundation (Ghana)
MAFMaster Applied Finance (degree)
MAFMaximum Allowable Fee (medical benefits)
MAFMuseum of Army Flying (UK)
MAFMemory Allocation Failure
MAFMexican Air Force (Mexico)
MAFMission Aviation Fellowship (Nampa, ID)
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