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On the Wider Web

Anti-Terror Move Could Ensnare American Muslims

Noah Feldman

Another executive action has been floated that would be devastating for Muslim individuals and organizations in the U.S.: a directive to the State Department to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as an international terrorist organization. When coupled with a U.S. Supreme Court decision from 2010, the designation could lead to widespread prosecution of American Muslims and others for material support of terrorism - a disaster for civil liberties and free speech that could dwarf the Trump administration's early initiatives.

Hamilton's Choice

Martha C. Nussbaum

At its heart, Lin-Manuel Miranda's musical "Hamilton" is the Choice of Hercules, retold in a more subtle and compelling form, as a choice between two kinds of political life, one of service and another of positional preeminence. Both lives involve an ambition for preeminence and a desire to make a difference. Neither is a life of indolence and profligate vice that makes the bad side in the myth such an obvious loser.

Look Back in Anger

Samuel Moyn

In his "Discourse on the Origin of Inequality," Rousseau depicted how enraging it is to subordinate oneself to the desires of others ... Because Rousseau had experienced the life of a social climber himself, he understood "the many uprooted men" who failed to "adapt themselves to a stable life in society," and began to see that failure as the product of a larger "injustice against the human race." Enslaved by manufactured desires, most Europeans experienced merely the frustration of never seeing them realized. Commercial modernity imprisoned the rich as much as the poor in a syndrome of "envy, fascination, revulsion, and rejection."

Best of

The Hermit Kingdom

This photo taken on 13 February, 2017 shows people in Pyongyang watching a public broadcast about the launch of a surface-to-surface medium long-range ballistic missile Pukguksong-2 at an undisclosed location on 12 February. (Kim Won-Jin/AFP/Getty)

North Korea has been in the spotlight in recent weeks, and South Korea has seen it's fair share of turmoil too.


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