Friday, February 10th, 2017

Friday, February 10th, 2017

Global Day of Pro-Peltier/Anti-Pipeline Action to Commemorate Wounded Knee ’73

from Sabal Trail Resistance

Join us in honoring the February 27 anniversary of the 1973 Wounded Knee Stand-Off on the Pine Ridge Reservation, wherever you are in the world, by declaring your support for Leonard Peltier and opposition to the oil and gas industry.

Just days after the previous administration denied clemency to Peltier, the next one followed up with a commitment to push through as many oil and gas pipelines as it could… This is a clear example of how the U.S. is continuing a legacy of corruption and greed that can can only be backed by extreme repression and the largest prison system in the world.

The goals of this mobilization are to show Leonard (and the world) that he is not forgotten, and illustrate that we are not backing down in our fight with the energy empire.

On February 26, A rally will be starting at the Coleman federal prison where American Indian Movement (AIM) prisoner Leonard Peltier is locked up for his involvement in fighting to defend people and land in Lakota territory. His incarceration stemmed from efforts to challenge corruption, violence and resource extraction on the Pine Ridge Reservation, of which the 71 day Wounded Knee stand-off with the U.S. government in ’73 was one example. Peltier was framed in 1975 during a shoot-out with FBI agents on the Reservation.

In 2011, Peltier was moved to Florida’s Coleman federal prison. The prison is several miles from active construction of the Sabal Trail pipeline which is being pushed in large part by Energy Transfer Partners of DAPL infamy.

Details on the FL event can be found here. (Please share)

Who is Sabal Trail Resistance

Sabal Trail Resistance (STR) is an ad hoc planning committee that has brought together over 40 local and national organizations to engage hundreds of people in direct action against pipeline construction.

STR is planning this event locally, but also supports the concept being amplified nationally or event internationally, where activities ranging from prayer ceremony to disruptive occupations can occur in solidarity with Leonard and resistors of the energy empire worldwide.

We are also hosting a “Peltier Not Pipelines” Action Camp over the weekend. Space is limited, but registration is open here.

Stay tuned for more details.

More on Peltier:

2 responses to “Global Day of Pro-Peltier/Anti-Pipeline Action to Commemorate Wounded Knee ’73”

  1. The really sad part of all this, is that if Leonard had not skipped out to Canada, and instead had stood trial with the other two (who were acquitted), he would have not been tried separately when he returned and was captured, wherein he was convicted. Everybody knows how absurd it is that he is incarcerated, when the other two were acquitted. But the rationale is that the government had to get somebody, since there were two dead FBI agents. It is appalling that no sitting president of the Democratic party offered him a pardon. Everybody knows that he is innocent of the shootings.

  2. […] Global Day of Pro-Peltier/Anti-Pipeline Action to Commemorate Wounded Knee ’73 | Earth First! News…: Just days after the previous administration denied clemency to Peltier, the next one followed up with a commitment to push through as many oil and gas pipelines as it could… This is a clear example of how the U.S. is continuing a legacy of corruption and greed that can can only be backed by extreme repression and the largest prison system in the world. […]

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