Thursday, December 29th, 2016

Thursday, December 29th, 2016

Support the Earth First! Winter Rendezvous

from Hudson Valley Earth First!

Our local Earth First! group will be hosting the 2017 Organizers Conference and Winter Rendezvous this February 7th -14th. Get ready for awesome workshops, winter hikes, music, campfires and lots of fun!🙂

Support the Earth First! Organizers Conference and Winter Rendezvous!

We are raising money to host 75+ people for a weeklong  gathering of Earth Firsters, eco-defenders, and earth loving rebels. Nestled in the Catskill Mountains within the Hudson River Watershed, we have reserved heated cabins to engage in important movement discussions and provide a space to plug into existing campaigns/projects in our bioregion.

We need to raise $5000 by January 1st to cover the 50% deposit for the cost of the cabins, indoor meeting space and on-site hotel rooms. Thanks for your help!


We are a group of eco-warriors drawn together by common principles and a great love for the natural communities of the Hudson River Valley in New York.

Earth First! is not an organization, but a movement. The only offices we occupy are those we storm during actions. Our version of green technology is the equipment we devise to blockade roads and lock ourselves to machinery. We carry grassroots organizing, home demonstrations, climbing gear, and bike locks in our tool bag. Our actions attempt to deliver an appropriate response to the violence against the living world.

The principles that unite all Earth First! groups are direct action, biocentrism (respect for all life), and a “no compromise” stance.

Pipelines, power plants, bomb trains and a whole slew of other development projects are either currently under construction or in the proposal and permitting phases. Despite a de facto ban on fracking in NY, oil and gas infrastructure continue to invade our communities. Projects currently under construction include:

– CPV fracked gas power plant, being fought by several community groups and HVEF! Also tied up in a bribery scandal with the state; officials of CPV and the government recently indicted.

– Spectra’s “Algonquin” Pipeline, being fought by activists and Ramapough Lenape people, attempting to go under the Hudson River, through sacred sites and near Indian Point nuclear plant.

Projects still awaiting approval or permits:

– Pilgrim Pipeline: 2 oil/diesel pipes recently approved but no permits granted. Over 20 towns and cities along route have passed resolutions against this project.

– Oil barges on the river: coast guard considering 26 crude oil “parking spots” for tankers to supplement bomb train capacity. Many opposed, concerned with reversing clean-up of river.

HVEF! events are organized to raise money and awareness to aid in the resistance against these environmental abominations.

Always For The Wild,

Hudson Valley Earth First!

2 responses to “Support the Earth First! Winter Rendezvous”

  1. JB says:

    Hello from Lake Worth, FL. Found a murdered bird in my yard yesterday. Saw young cat prowling the yard this morning. Responsible cat owners keep their cats inside. Feral cat spay/neuter programs require support. The birds and small mammals need our help!

  2. Ben James says:

    I am interested in attending the Rendezvous, is there somewhere I can get more information? I will contribute monetarily as soon as I am able to.

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