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February 19th, the day before President’s day, was a day filled with police oppression and the silencing of civic engagement for community members in Worcester, Massachusetts. Worcester Antifascist Action, a local activist group, spent Monday hosting a public march and protest around the antifascist and anti-KKK work that they have been doing locally.

As members of Worcester Antifascist Action and others were walking on the sidewalk, a team of Worcester police in riot gear came up to tackle and arrest seven members of Worcester Antifascist Action. Here is a link to video of the start of arrests. The individuals who were arrested are now facing substantial legal fees and probable jail time – all for exercising their right to protest in the United States.

This is wrong. It is a travesty that young people who care about resisting racism and fascism cannot do so publicly without fear of government reprisal. It is a further travesty that peaceful public protest is being treated like a crime.

Worcester Antifascist Action has a history of working to fight fascism, undermine the local KKK, support immigrants rights, and support trans and queer rights.  Please contribute whatever you can to this legal aid fund – these are brave and brilliant young people, but they are going to have a very difficult time covering their fees alone. We estimate that each of the seven members arrested will have at least $500 in fines.

If you’re the kind of person who might have bought a $3 coffee every day this week, consider donating $35 now instead. If $50 is an amount you can give without losing sleep, think about donating that amount. If all you have is $5, that will help too. Our liberation is bound together.

It’s Going Down is a revolutionary media platform from anarchist, anti-fascist and anti-capitalist movements. We are a network of friends and comrades across so-called North America, who seek to provide news and analysis of when it goes down: riots, strikes, sabotage, occupations, expropriations, rebellion, revolt, insurrection, whether together or alone – we support liberatory revolt. We are a news website and not an organization who seek to uplift and build capacity for a wide range of social struggles, movements, and revolutionary groups.