Ladislav Kuc

Last modified: 

May 15, 2016

Ladislav is an animal rights activist accused of illegal possession of arms, manufacturing of explosives, and terrorism for bombing in front of a McDonald’s on December 28, 2011 in which there were no injuries. He was traced after almost a year when the police tracked down the producer of a timer found at the crime scene and also mail communications between Ladislav and the manufacturer. During a house search police found materials related to ALF and components for another bomb.  He was sentenced to 25 years in 2012 (until 2037), but in 2016 his case was returned to the district court and his charges on terrorism were dropped.

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Ladislav Kuc



Tuesday, November 4, 1975


Mailing Address: 

Ladislav Kuc
PS 7/6
Uvtos, Gucmanova 86/670
92041 Leopoldov
