Political Prisoners

Cleveland 4: Continued Support Needed

Thank you so much to everyone who has supported Brandon, Connor, Doug, and Josh since their arrest, and thank you to everyone who is new to supporting them. These past years have been rough...

Update on Omar Campos Martínez, Adherent of the 6th Declaration

Compañerxs, we want to inform you that in the last few days, Omar Campos Martínez (aka Alone) received a new formal arrest warrant in response to a filed injunction without taking into account that...

Political Prisoner Birthday Poster for February!

Hello Friends and Comrades, Here is the political prisoner birthday poster for February.(11″x17″ PDF, 7.2MB) Also available in color here (11″x17″ PDF, 2.6MB), and as a shareable PNG file here (imgur link). Print it...

Call for Emergency Solidarity with Sean Swain

Submitted to It's Going Down Those of us who are friends or comrades of Sean Swain - anarchist and prison rebel in the Ohio dungeon of Warren CI - are facing a terrible riddle.  As described...

Bloc Party: May All Your Punches Hit Nazis

There is no denying that we are in perilous times. The reality that is developing around us looks much more like a resistance than a social club. Potlucks and kickball games that taunt the...


From Support Eric King URGENT!!! PLEASE CALL IN FOR ERIC KING! We expect Eric to face a disciplinary hearing this Friday (January 27th) for a write-up filed against him in retaliation for him attempting to hold a...

Update and Letter to the Community from Political Prisoner Jalil Muntaqim

Submitted to It's Going Down Jalil Muntaqim, a former Black Panther/Black Liberation Army prisoner who's been in jail since 1971, is currently being held in solitary confinement as a result of charges brought against him for...

Prison Officials Escalate! Rashid Still Needs Help!

From Rashid's Support Group PLEASE FORWARD WIDELY WHEN: Anytime, but esp. on the week of January 16th-21st WHAT: CONTINUE to Protect imprisoned activist-journalist Kevin “Rashid” Johnson More Info “I need serious and varied and inventive help. Advice won’t do...

Please Support Coyote Acabo and His Family

From Denver Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) Print PDF Here Donate Here Coyote is a local comrade and disabled person of color soon to be incarcerated for felony assault this February. During Lakefair 2015 Acabo defended a comrade as...

A New Year’s Update on Antifascist Prisoners

From NYC Antifa 2017 promises to be a busy year for antifascists around the world. We will continue the fight against fascism and the far right, and oppose—in every way possible—their relentless campaigns of bigotry against...