WA election: Labor pledges no new taxes, Premier still looking for action on GST floor

Updated February 21, 2017 20:31:57

WA Labor has pledged not to impose any new taxes or tax increases on West Australians if it wins government in next month's state election.

Labor leader Mark McGowan made the commitment just 24 hours after announcing a tax hike on foreign investors buying property in the state.

Mr McGowan said Labor would release all of its revenue-raising measures before polling day, but stressed people in WA were already paying enough tax.

"There will be no new taxes on West Australians, full stop. If we are elected, there will be no new taxes on West Australians or increases in taxes on West Australians. If we're elected, full stop," he said.

"There's already been three increases in land tax in the last four years. There's been increases in stamp duty over the course of the Barnett Liberal-National Government ... people can't withstand more tax increases of that nature."

Labor has been under scrutiny over the costings of its major election commitment, the $2.5-billion first stage of the Metronet public rail expansion.

One of the key sources of funding for the project is $416 million in Commonwealth money currently allocated to the Perth Freight Link project.

The Commonwealth has committed a total of $1.2 billion for the project, which includes Roe 8.

But if elected, Labor would scrap the project and then seek to reallocate the money to Metronet and other transport projects.

During his visit to Perth yesterday, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull reaffirmed his Government's position that the money was approved for Roe 8 and Perth Freight Link, not Metronet.

"The problem with Metronet is that it's not much beyond a press release at the moment. That's the problem with it," Mr Turnbull told ABC Perth yesterday.

He said Labor would have to submit a full business case to Infrastructure Australia for funding approval, a process which could take years.

Labor adamant plans fully costed

But Mr McGowan insisted his party had fully and credibly costed its plans.

"We have set out a comprehensive plan as to how we will fund our promises. And we set out a whole range of savings initiatives," he said.

He added Labor would persist in its pursuit of federal funding for Metronet.

"I note the Prime Minister indicated yesterday that Western Australia could get funding for our Metronet plans and road plan and we will," he said.

Premier 'would accept' 70c GST floor

Premier Colin Barnett was also sifting for good news in the words of the Prime Minister, but on the issue of GST.

But six months after making the pledge at the Liberal state conference in Perth to set a floor for the minimum GST share WA would receive, the Prime Minister returned to the state unable to say what the floor price would be or when it would be implemented.

WA currently receives about 30 cents out of every dollar raised by the tax in the state.

Mr Barnett continues to blame WA's low GST share for his Government's record budget deficits, including this year's projected figure of $3 billion.

Mr Barnett said the Prime Minister needed to nominate the floor level as a tangible step to establishing a guaranteed minimum share for the states and territories.

"Look, I think what I'm looking for is that the floor be nominated. And I took some comfort that the Prime Minister did refer to 70 cents," he said.

"Now he didn't say that was the floor, but he nominated that as a potential figure. That's the way I interpreted that.

"I'd accept that. I'd accept 70 cents if that was the floor, and we may well reach that over the next three years. I've always argued for 75 but lets take it. If 70 cents is what's on offer that's what I'd take."

Mr Turnbull has made it clear a floor level can only be set when all the states agreed and no state was financially disadvantaged.

Topics: elections, government-and-politics, tax, wa

First posted February 21, 2017 19:25:10