Latest Announcements:

1. To stay informed about SSA announcements and events, 'like' the SSA's Facebook Site and/or provide an email address to the Secretary-Treasurer.

2. The Syrian Studies Assocation (SSA) Bulletin appears twice a year, and contains articles, association news, research notes, and book reviews related to Syria. Contribution deadlines for feature, news, and research article proposals covering issues of contemporary or historic interest in Bilad al-Sham and modern Syria are listed on the News page.

3. The Syrian Studies Association awards prizes for the best book, article, and dissertation on Bilad al-Sham and modern Syria, with winners normally announced at the SSA Business Meeting. See the Awards Page for more information.

4. On an annual basis, the SSA solicits nominations from its membership to replace elected officers whose terms will expire at the end of the year. Elections results are normally announced at the SSA Business Meeting held at the MESA Annual Meeting. The terms being served by current officers are listed on the Officers Page. Any questions can be directed to the Secretary-Tresurer and the junior Member-at-Large.

5. The SSA invites proposals for panel presentations at this year's Middle East Studies Association of North America annual meeting. If you wish to have your panel considered for SSA sponsorship, please send your panel and paper descriptions for review to the SSA Member-at-Large, Stacy Fahrenthold, at by Friday, February 3. For further details, view the news page.

The SSA is:

an international association organized to encourage and promote research and scholarly understanding of Syria in all periods and in all academic disciplines. The SSA is a non-profit, non-political association affiliated with MESA (The Middle East Studies Association of North America).

Our goals are to:

To accomplish our goals, we

Who should join?

The SSA defines Syria as the area included in historic Bilad al-Sham until 1918 and Syria following that. We invite scholars who study the peoples and territories of what is today Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine before 1918 and those who study Syria after that date to join the SSA.

You can view the SSA Constitution here.

Institutional Support

Hilary Kalmbach
Lecturer in Middle Eastern History
Director of the Middle East and North Africa Centre at Sussex (MENACS)
University of Sussex
Brighton, England


Webmaster: Dara Conduit | Site Design By: Creative Syria | Affiliated With MESA