- published: 22 Nov 2016
- views: 2653
Persea schiedeana, the coyo, is a species of plant in the family Lauraceae. It belongs to the evergreen tree genus Persea, which comprises about 150 species.
Coyo is a wild tree resembling and closely related to the Avocado (Persea americana). It is classified within the flowering plant family, Lauraceae. It is native to certain areas of Central America and southern Mexico at altitudes between 1,400 m to 1,900 m. The tree grows to about 20 m high, occasionally reaching 50 m.
Young branches are very hairy. The leaves are deciduous and the flowers are light greenish-yellow, with the stamens turning red with age. The fruit, closely resembling that of the avocado, is generally pear-shaped, with a thick, green, leathery skin. The flesh is oily with a milky juice and tastes like an avocado or coconut. The pear-shaped fruit is easily mistaken for an avocado. However, it contains a much larger central seed. The flesh has stone cells and a gritty texture that is generally considered unfavourable for edible consumption, despite its appealing taste. The cotyledons, unlike those of the avocado, are pink internally.
COYO - NJOO BAADAE (Official Lyric Video)
Pocoyó - Media hora en español (S01 E25-28)
coyo Gangnam Style HD
Coyo Mc Ft Honeya NOMA Official Video
H Chriss ft Coyo Mc - Kazi ya Mdomo (Official Video HD) Director Vipper
Coyo MC, rapper wa Mwanza anayefuata nyayo za Fid Q
Grupo Detonador Ft. Grupo Eficaz - El Coyo (En Vivo 2015)
Coyo Bruno hundun shot by Spooner Spillberg & Dee Chambers
Trabas Extreme Sendang Coyo - Grobogan, 11 September 2016 SEAT Sukun Kudus
Coyo - Vives en mis poemas (Videoclip Oficial)
Puedes ver Pocoyó en YouTube KIDS, la nueva app de YouTube para disfrutar de Pocoyó (y muchas más series) en un entorno seguro y adaptado para los más pequeños. Y es gratis, claro: http://goo.gl/ElVRNt Un vídeo de 30 minutos con cuatro capítulos de Pocoyó en español: Correo Pato, Un cachorro cariñoso, ¡A batear! y Elly está malita. Suscríbete al canal de Pocoyó en YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/pocoyotv Pocoyó Disco: http://bit.ly/PocoyoDiscoES Pocoyó Disco para América Latina http://bit.ly/PocoyoDiscoNE Una hora y media de Pocoyó: PARTE 1 → http://youtu.be/SP05XjJFeoo PARTE 2 → http://youtu.be/lkXBGs9iH2Y PARTE 3 → http://youtu.be/LtnAglmMxrE ¡Diviértete con Pocoyó! WEB: http://www.pocoyo.com APPS: http://www.pocoyo.com/apps FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pocoyo INSTAGRAM...
Coyo Bruno is at it again!!, "HUNDUN", is a song performed by Southern artist Coyo Bruno. Video shot by Spooner Spillberg & Dee Chambers(DCMT). Coyo Bruno's Media Profile/ Contact: FB: @Jaraven Bruno Instagram: @Coyo4prez For Video, Graphic Design or Beat Inquires, Please Contact DCMT or Spooner Spillberg@: E-mail: deechambers2@gmail.com & jjones33731@yahoo.com Instagram: @Dee_Chambers_ & @emotionless88 FaceBook: @Dee Chambers & @Jordan Jones SC: @dee_chambers & @Spooner Spillberg
Lagi-lagi Grobogan sebagai surganya offroader kembali menyuguhkan jalur yang pasti memuaskan pecinta speed offroad, kali ini di Sendang Coyo tepatnya di kec.palokulon 4orang SEATers mencicipi suguhan jalur yang benar2 membuat adrenalin memuncak, jalur sepanjang 65km yg didominasi puluhan tanjakan ekstrim mengingatkan pada segoro gunung yg lalu, seperti biasanya minimnya antrean membuat grobogan kembali menjadi event favourit SEATers..Trimakasih kepada Panitia, KTOI, IOF2x1 serta warga setempat atas jalur kali ini, juga kepada PRsukun yg selalu mendukung SEATers...
Páginas Oficiales: https://www.facebook.com/coyoh.bustamaantee https://soundcloud.com/coyohhbustamante Producción & Edición: Alberto Hernández Contacto: www.facebook.com/skoz.alky Agradecimientos especiales: - Cesar Mendez - Carlos valencia (Bland) - Lirikal Music Studios (Cox) UNO MISMO 2014©
I bought a flat
Diminished responsibility
You're de ninth person to see
To be suspended in a seventh
Major catastrophe
It's a minor point but gee
Augmented by the sharpness of your
See what I'm going through
A to be with you
In a flat by the sea